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Montag, 7. September 2020

The Corona Virus. Scientists and Virologists

We recently wrote a few comments and expressed some opinions regarding Dr. Fauci.  Lately, Dr. Fauci has been gasping for oxygen in the room, as nobody is paying much attention to what he has been saying.  Once again, the Corona Virus epidemic is real, there have been many other real epidemics.  One of the things, we would argue, the major thing that makes the Corona Virus different, are the consequences which it has caused, starting with the now famous or infamous ,,Shutdown'' in the United States and numerous other countries as well.  Despite several ,,easings'' in various forms in different States and various countries around the world, the ,,Shutdsown'' remains real.  There are various consequences which can be directly and indirectly attributed to this ,,Shutdown.''  Unemployment, economic collapse or disruption, unrest, rioting and worse in the streets, not only in the United States but in other countries as well.  In the meantime, there is talk about ,,The New Normal'' whatever that is supposed to mean.

A little over six months ago, we had no idea who Dr. Fauci was.  Nor did we care.  We doubt that very many other people knew of him and that he would catapult to the pinnacle and be able such enormous and nearly absolute power in such a short time.

To be clear, Dr. Fauci did not start this.  The entire panic was started in great part by the now (in)famous Dr. Ferguson, in England, who predicted an apocalypse.  Dr. Ferguson was one of the first to brandish a new, or perhaps not so new style of elitism, where he promulgated rules regarding social distancing, masks and, of course, the infamous ,,Shutdown,'' while at the same time, flagrantly flaunting such rules.  He wore no mask in public, he had sexual relations for several days with his mistress, who is a married woman with children.  Dr. Ferguson was fired from his job, but it was too late.  The damage had already been done and Dr. Fauci picked up the ball from there and valiantly, some would say mercilessly carried it forward.

One of the things we heard from Dr. Fauci and hear continuously from others, is this business regarding listening to the ,,Scientists.''  However, anyone should know, ,,Scientists'' are not a monolithic group.  And then, it comes down to which Science.  And it further comes down to which Science over which Science.  Things are not so clear cut as Dr. Fauci and many others would have us believe.

One can look at statistics for guidance.  Of course, statistics themselves can be manipulated and they often are, but let us look for a moment at the American Government statistics.  These are for Corona Virus fatalities through 16 June 2020.  More recent figures should be and most likely are available; we do not think they would be that much different either for the United States or for other countries, for that matter.

Corona Virus Deaths

Classified by age, 80% of the Corona Virus fatalities have been people over the age of 65.  90% of the Corona Virus fatalities have been over the age of 55.  For infants or children, the numbers are extremely low, statistically almost insignificant.

Of course, every death matters, be it one of an elderly person and this writer is elderly himself, or that of a child or infant.  But one can at least keep in mind that most elderly people do not work, they do not teach schools and have less contact with the population than those who are engaged in daily active life.

But to put this into perspective, restricting social and economic interaction between people who are very unlikely to contact the Corona Virus and, if they are, would incur only minor symptoms...that should have been and still should be, and is, a matter which one should take into consideration.  ,,Touchless'' and ,,Contactless'' interactions seems to be practices which one should call into question.

But it gets worse.

Of all of the Corona Virus fatalities, 94% suffered from co-morbidities, meaning, theses people died due to a usually chronic and morbid disease which they had to begin with and the Corona Virus accelerated and, let us say, ,,sealed'' their fate.

Here, we must say, that drugs which are already available and which perhaps do not meet the ,,Gold Standard'' which Dr. Fauci desires, but maybe they meet the ,,Silver Standard'' or the ,,Bronze Standard'' have been frowned upon by individuals like Dr. Fauci and doctors (who, unlike Dr. Fauci, use a stethoscope every day) have often been reluctant to use them regularly, let alone aggressively.  We have mentioned some of these drugs in the previous post and they are well known and widely available; well, not all, those used in Japan nobody in the United States, at least, wants to even hear about.

But to postulate, as Dr. Fauci and others do, that a vaccine which is likely to be 50% effective, maybe even less effective, is going to make much, if any difference, in a disease in which 94% of the inflicted died from co-morbidities, that is a bit far fetched and we wonder, how ,,scientific.''

One can make a further calculation.  Currently, less than 200.000 people (and that is a lot, we know) out of population of more than 300 million succumbed to the Corona Virus.  That is something around 0,7% which may or may not be a lot.  But out of that 0,7%, 94% died because they had co-morbidities...that is something that we do not hear Dr. Fauci or anyone else talk about.

At the same time, regrettably, very, very regrettably, no one is talking anymore about how many people succumb daily from circulatory diseases, cancer and who knows how many other horrible diseases each and every day, month and year.

There is an anecdote, a proverb which one used to hear around Law School, intended to disparage bad lawyers and which went something like, ,,Before we start anything, let's shoot all the lawyers.''

Maybe one should consider the proposition, before really we do anything further in order to bring under control this Corona Virus, let's ,,lock down'' all the Virologists.