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Dienstag, 13. August 2013

The Saga of Paula Deen

Normally, or even abnormally, this Column does not concern itself with Personages such as Paula Deen.  She is a Food Writer of some Sort, who had a TV Show or possibly several, as well as being involved in Talk Shows, Appearances, or what one might even call „Self Serving Publicity Events” all centered around the Promotion of a „Cuisine” which not only can be but which she herself described as „Comfort Food.”  She also apparently owns or runs a Restaurant which specializes in these Food Varieties.  Most would characterize such Foods as unhealthy.

It has also been reported that Paula Deen is a Diabetic who should, normally, avoid particulary some of the Kinds of Foods which she is promulgating.  But we are not dealing with a normal Situation here.

Recently, Paula Deen got embroiled into a mega Scandal involving Allegations of Racial Discrimination against her by an Employee or Employees who worked in her Restaurant.  This has led to the Cancellation of many if not most or nearly all of her lucrative Contracts and TV Shows.

However, just today, a Federal Court in Georgia threw out most of the Racial Discrimination Allegations against Paula Deen; nonetheless, the Damage has now been done and she is unlikely to recover from the Onslaught of negative Publicity which was avalanched against her.

What makes Paula Deen's Case interesting is the Condemnation she has had to endure in the Court of Public Opinion; a relentless Onslaught of negative Publicity which was avalanched against her.

This is Paula Deen Holding what appears to be a Piece of Fried Chicken
There is a Message in this sordid Affair, we think.  We should be mindful of and fiercely defend the Right to express our Opinions, under the Rubric of Free Speech.  Just because it is not politically correct to criticize someone or his/her/their Opinion(s), it does not follow that such Individuals should be given Immunity from Criticism.  Furthermore, it does not follow and it should not follow (as was not in the Case of Paula Deen, where the Rule was violated), that a Person should be condemned in the Court of Public Opinion just because of permissible Allegations under Free Speech to criticize that Person, regardless of whether the Criticism is warranted or not.  In the Court of Public Opinion, Criticism should be allowed (as was in the Case of Paula Deen), even if we do not agree with the Criticism.  At the same Time, we should not impose Consequences on the Person/Subject being criticized, simply because of such Criticism.  It is the Realm or Competence of an appropriate Forum, whether it be Judicial or other,  to ascertain and eventually decide, a).  if the Criticism is accurate and warranted and b). what Consequences should flow from it.

Television Commentator Anthony Bourdain (CNN) stated, for Example:

Speaking to an Orlando Sentinel reporter, Bourdain had a solemn response when asked for his reaction.

"It's gives me no pleasure at all," Bourdain told the paper. "It ain't pretty, either the charges or the reaction. I may have been an adversary or a critic of Miss Deen. It gives me no pleasure to see her torn apart by the people who were kissing her ass a week before."

The Classical Case of this Situation is the celebrated 19th Century Case of Alfred Dreyfus, in France, which came to be known as „The Dreyfus Affair.”  Dreyfus, a Soldier of minor Rank, was wrongfully convicted Treason by a Military Court and judged harshly in the Court of Public Opinion.  Dreyfus was also a Jew, causing considerable Ethnic Hatred to come out against him.  Forward came a famous French Writer at the Time, Émile Zola who published a Front Page Article entitled,

J'accuse!, (or I accuse!)

The Front Page of the Newspaper l'Aurore in which Émile Zola's famous Letter to the President of France titled „J'accuse,” or „I accuse!” appeared.

Zola's coming out with this, although he did not have to because he had an illustrious Career behind him which he put wholly at Risk, forced  the Court of Public Opinion and, consequently a (Military) Court of Law to Review and reverse the Conviction of Dreyfus.  Zola gambled everything and he won.  Because of this, his Fame transcended the 19th Century and he is still remembered, at least by some, until today.

Many others have not been so lucky.  Take Paula Deen who, in our Judgment, is a Person who should not even register on the Radar Scale but who has been dishonored and humiliated, perhaps wrongfully.  It is those Kinds of Situations which the Republic should make every Effort to avoid under the Constitution, while, at the sameTime, protecting the Criticism, however unjust, as it does not reach the Threshhold of yelling Fire in a crowded Theater or, in other Words, causing „Irreparable Damage.”

A tricky undertaking, indeed.  But, we think, an eminently worthwhile one.