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Samstag, 20. Oktober 2012

The Problem with President Clinton

The Problem the Democrats have with President Clinton, but do not or do not want to recognize, at least not yet, is similar to the Problem Republicans have with President Reagan but, it may be, that Republicans do not recognize their Problem, not yet anyway, either.  Certainly, the Republicans do not want to recognize it, though.

However, President Reagan has slowly began to fade from Memory, that ,,Great Communicator'' who had to have ,,Handlers'' when it came to Presidential Debates.  President Reagan caused enormous and, one might say, irreparable Damage by stimulating the Economy with enormous Deficits which expanded the Economy, created a Lot of rich People but also started the Build Up of an unprecedented Debt Load.  After a brief Hiatus during the 4 Year Presidency of President George H. W. Bush (Bush ,,41'', who called ,,Reaganomics'' ,,Voodoo Economics'') President Clinton not only continued President Reagan's Tradition but even praised it.

So now President Clinton whose salacious Activities with Monica Lewinsky have long ago faded from Memory, he and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton now boast, he knew how to balance the Budget.  Yeah, he did.  But how he did it is the more interesting Part.  President Clinton took the Postal Service Retirement Fund ($ 7 Billion) as well as the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds (which were enormous Sums of Money) and threw them into the General Budget thusly creating a huge but temporary Infusion of Cash and, ,,Poof!,'' it looked as if the Budget was ,,balanced,'' but, again, only temporarily.  Now, not only the U. S. Postal Service but, far more worrying, Social Security and Medicare are in dire Straits.  Everyone is scared of raising the Payroll Tax Deduction Ceiling (now at $ 110,000 for People earning $ 110 Million, or $ 11 Million or even $ 1,1 Million because it would ,,discourage'' the Creation of new Jobs?).  President Clinton's Two Terms were then followed by the two economically disastrous Terms of President George W. Bush (Bush ,,43,'' the Dubya) and during his Term and after that, we all know what happened.  The Federal Deficit now adds up to $ 16 Trillion, give or take a Couple of Pennies and nobody has come up with a Plan of any Kind as to how this Deficit might begin to be retired.  Statements by the two Presidential Candidates, President Obama and former Governor Romney are about how they plan to reduce the Size of future Deficits and eventually reach (one hopes) a Balanced Budget, if...if this and if that and if something else, but, without raising Taxes.  Go figure.

So, when Mr. Clinton claims that the Economy is not ,,hunky dory'' but on the Mend,

it is reasonable to question his Authority at coming up with such Statements.  Actually, with the Congressional Impasse over Cuts and Taxes and with ,,Automatic Sequestrations'' being a Problem which, no matter which way it is resolved or remains unresolved, the adverse Consequences on the Economy, the Problems which will be faced by the President after he takes the Oath of Office on 20 January 2013, no Matter if it is the current President or the Republican Challenger, will be daunting, very, very daunting, indeed.  And that, while at the same Time having to deal with Mr. Bernanke's untested Theories about ,,Quantitative Easing,'' ,,Operation Twist'' and who knows what else that Mr. Bernanke might come up with.

Sometimes, we can overcomplicate Things in spite of ourselves.  The basic Truth is that just like the Republican Party is not the Party of Ronald Reagan, it is the Party of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt; equally, the Democratic Party, it would be good to remember, is not the Party of Bill Clinton; it is the Party of Thomas Jefferson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  President Clinton said, when he first ran for President, ,,It's the Economy, Stupid!'' and he was right.  One could have also said at the same Time and certainly can say it now:  ,,Keep it simple, (Stupid!)''  ,,Do not solve a Problem by creating another Problem.''