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Dienstag, 13. November 2012


The Unfolding of the Story surrounding General Petræus continues at a dizzying Pace.  Senator Diane Feinstein from California compared it to ,,Peeling an Onion'' with one Revelation more startling than the one before unfolding before our Eyes.

Where all this will lead, nobody knows and, those who might possibly know are likely far more interested in ,,Damage Control'' than revealing what has been really going on.  Mika Brzeziński, Daughter of former distinguished Presidential Adviser, Zbigniew Brzeziński, a Man of, some would say, considerable Gravitas, expressed as much on her intellectually worth listening to TV Program today.

Most of us would agree that the rapidly unfolding Facts allow no Conclusions to be drawn at this Point; however, here at The Vitznau News Team, we thought we would highlight Compilation of some of what is known or believed to be known so far, along with the Concerns which these Pieces of Information raise:

§ Mr. Petræus and Mrs. Broadwell, both married, had an Extramarital Affair.

General Petræus and Mrs. Broadwell
§ Mrs. Broadwell appears to have been in Possession of some Classified Information, the Extent of which we do not know.  She did not have a Security Clearance.  How Mrs. Broadwell obtained this Information has not been revealed yet.
§ Mrs. Broadwell has made unverified Statements regarding ,,CIA Prisoners'' being held in Benghazi, Lybia at or around the Time of the Attack which killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.
§ Mrs. Broadwell perceived, correctly or incorrectly, that Mrs. Jill Kelley (née Khawam) was, or was about to become her potential Rival.

Mrs. Jill Kelley (née Khawam)
§ Mrs. Broadwell sent anonymous eMails, possibly as many as 20.000 to Mrs. Kelley, apparently in an Attempt to disrupt the Social Relationship which Mrs. Kelley states existed between the Kelleys and the Petræuses.
§ Mr. Petræus sought to convince Mrs. Broadwell, unsuccesfully, it would appear, from sending this Avalance of eMails to Mrs. Kelley.
§ Mrs. Kelley knew an FBI Agent who had sent to her shirtless Photographs.  She turned to this Agent (after she had received the shirtless Photographs) in an Attempt to have Mrs. Broadwell, (whose Identity she did not know because the eMails were sent anonymously or using fictitious eMails), stop what she considered to be Harassement.
§ Apparently not calculated in Mrs. Kelley's Consideration was the possible Emergence of, some say, 30.000 eMails or 30.000 Pages of eMails which she had exchanged with General John R. Allen, ISAF (Allied) Commander in Afghanistan, who was in Line for a Promotion.
General John R. Allen
§ General Allen has stated that there was no ,,Inappropriate Relationship'' between him and Mrs. Kelley but, at least for the Time being, his Promotion as Commander in Chief for NATO has been put on Ice.
§ Mrs. Kelley is a wealthy Socialite and, undisputedly, well connected in Military Circles.  Her Husband is a Surgeon.  Together they have 3 Children.  Either Mrs. Kelley or someone in the Kelley Family serves as an ,,Honorary Consul'' for somebody or something.
Mrs. Kelley and the Florida License Plate on her Mercedes Benz
§ All of the Principals in this bizarre unfolding Story have, understandably, gone ,,Under the Radar'' and made themselves unavailable for Press Interviews.  Some have hired Agents or Representatives to speak on their Behalf.  Mrs. Kelley has hired as her Spokeswoman Judy Smith, who represented, yeah, Monica Lewinsky and Abby Lowell, who represented John Edwards.

Judy Smith, here seen with Monica Lewinsky
§ We need not tell you, President Clinton is ,,Under the Radar'' on this one.
§ Nobody ,,knew'' anything about this until after the Election.
Stayed tuned and, to any and all Readers of this Column; any News or developing Stories on this Saga, which appears to be quickly becoming more than just a little ,,Story'' about Sexual Escapades, please drop us a Note.  We welcome, indeed, seek to hear from all of you.
N. B. The Title of Mrs. Broadwell's Book about General Petræus is ,,ALL IN'' (whatever she meant by that) and, while we do not know if this is ,,ALL IN'' yet, neither does it appear to be ,,ALL OUT.''