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Donnerstag, 15. November 2012

Honesty and Integrity - The ,,All In'' Case

In Light of the sordid Petræus Affair, there has been a growing Chorus of Voices being raised in the Interest of Internet Privacy for the average Citizen.  Particularly of Concern to these Voices has been the Fact that the FBI has been able to access IP Addresses and track down Writers of eMails without a Court Warrant (although, it might quickly be added, if the FBI were to go before just about any Judge and raise National Security Concerns, it would take the lesser Part of 5 Seconds for most Judges to sign such a Warrant).  These Concerns carry a great Deal of Legitimacy.  Where these Concerns do not apply, however, is in the Area of Privacy for Public Officials.

Being a Public Official, especially a High Level Public Official has traditionally carried the Implication that such a Person surrenders his or her Privacy because of the High Level Position he or she holds (this is Public Service, not an Executive Position at General Motors, whether it be pre or post Bailout).  This Legal Principle has extended to Presidents, such as but not only Mr. Clinton, Senators, Representatives and other High Public Officials as well.  We do not believe we need to cite additional Examples.    Therefore, to argue, in this Circumstance, that General Petræus or General Allen might enjoy some Level of Privacy, especially, as it happens to be in this Case, where the Issues do not involve Intra Family Communications (,,Honey, what's for Dinner tonight,'' or ,,Honey, how are the Kids,'' etc.) is simply disingenuous.

It is also evident that he Communications that General Petræus had with Mr. Broadwell were salacious enough to where both he and Mrs. Broadwell went to great Lengths to maintain them remain secret.  The Focus of these Communications was not some covert CIA Operation or a Mission in Benghazi or something going on in Afghanistan, Iraq or elsewhere.  These were simply Communications involving an Extramarital Affair and, it must be emphasized, Mr. Petræus was and knew he was on Government Payroll; unless he would maintain now that he was writing and reading these complicated eMails involving Things such as Draft Folders and Cross Accessing Mrs. Broadwell's Account at home, while Mrs. Petræus was watching TV or something.

The other Personages involved in this Affair are deeply problematic.  Mrs. Natalie Khawam, who is Mrs. Jill Kelley's Twin Sister and a Lawyer, is involved in a nasty and bitter (Divorce) Custody Battle.  According to Court Records, she took her infant Child out of State without Court Authorisation or Permission, changed the Name of the Child and was found by a Judge to have a

 “stunning willingness to say anything, even under oath, to advance her own Interests.”

Attorney Natalie Khawam, Mrs. Jill Kelley's Twin Sister, here, from a Larger Photo showing Mrs. Khawam, Mr. and Mrs. Kelley and Mr. and Mrs. Petræus in the Kelleys Mansion

Those are pretty strong Words a Judge would use when referring to an Attorney.  The same Judge found Jill Kelley to be a

"patently biased and unbelievable Witness"

Ms. Kelley also seemed to have invoked, at least on one Instance, ,,Diplomatic Immunity.''  She seems to have recently gotten hold of the Title ,,Honorary Consul'' for, all of Places, South Korea.  Honorary Consuls do not enjoy the Privilege of Diplomatic Immunity except when they are on Official Business, which they rarely are.  Mrs. Kelley appears to have quickly developed an interest in pursuing Business Deals involving South Korea and, according to some Reports, began asking for Fees amounting to Tens of Millions of Dollars.  Earlier Reports that Mrs. Kelley was acting as some sort of a ,,Generals' Consul'' (which would have been inconsistent to Consular License Tags on her Automobile) have been proven false and were, more likely, an inept Plant.

Therefore, now, when we come across the Fact that General Allen wrote to the Court a Letter of Support on Behalf of Mrs. Khawam (Mrs. Kelley's Twin Sister), we can legitimately raise the Issue whether General Allen doesn't have his Hands full worring about the Taliban and the Future of Afghanistan, rather than why and how Mrs. Khawam, a Lawyer, took a Child across Interstate Lines without notifying any Court.

It would just seem that requiring a higher Standard from Public Officials, rather than a lower Standard (or the same Standard applicable to ordinary Citizens) is not unreasonable and neither is putting under Scrutiny any of their ongoings is unreasonable either.

Just a Couple of more Points.  Unconfirmed Reports have it that Mrs. Khawam, the Lawyer who should know better than taking a Child across Interstate Lines without Court Permission, lives in Mrs. Kelley's Mansion.

Ah, yes and also, while we are not able to definitively confirm, Mrs. Broadwell's Security Clearance has been revoked.

The one additional Personage who has just emerged was the mysterious FBI Agent to whom Mrs. Kelley went in the First Place, complaining about Mrs. Broadwell's anonymous eMails.  His Name is Frederick W. Humphries II, 47 and he has had a distinguished Career with the FBI.  Why Mr. Humphries would have sent shirtless Photos to Mrs. Kelley is yet to be revealed; however, Common Sense appears to suggest that, given the many Self Serving Statements which have been made by the various Individuals who have taken Part and still are in this Tragico/Comic Soap Opera with National Security Implications, it is best to wait out and see what emerges next.

Stay tuned.