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Freitag, 19. Oktober 2012

Google and Apple

There was some ,,terrible'' News about Google (GOOG, NASDAQ) today.  Somebody at R. R. Donnelley and Company (definitely not a ,,Star Quality'' Company, a true Has Been) seems to have made a Mistake or somebody at Google made a Mistake in reporting Google Earnings without the proper Orchestration and Google Stock immediately took a Tumble of more than 10% in Seconds.  Google, obviously a Company with Clout, was not only able to call NASDAQ and get through but also able to demand and succeed in having the Trading of the Stock suspended until it ,,corrected'' the News but not before $ 26 Billion went down the Toilet.

The Good News is that Google has the right Telephone Numbers and knows whom to call at NASDAQ.  The not so good News is that the Google Earnings took a Tumble and a certain Kind of Reality is setting in:  spectacular Earnings for Newstarts can often be achieved and even continue for a long Time but not forever.  By acquiring Motorola, Google has entered the ,,Mainstream'' and in the Mainstream Things are not as simple as for a Start Up; even for a giant Start Up which Google is.

Entertaining and amusing to some is that Google seemed to have used ,,Smart Phones'' for the Transmission of at least some of the Information to R. R. Donnelley and/or to the SEC; apparently, Google Higher Ups are busy using their Android Smart Phones and have fallen out of the Habit of just sitting down at some Desk and doing their Work the ,,Old Fashioned Way;''  proofing, reading and re reading something that is sent out because once it is sent out, it becomes just that; sent.  Such ,,Work'' is not for Big People; it is only for the little People, it seems.

But Google is not alone in this Stratosphere.  The Darling of the Stock Market right now is and has been for some Time, Apple Computer (AAPL, NASDAQ), not all that long ago a nearly bankrupt Company.  Apple rose from the Ashes under the masterful Hand of Steve Jobs, who backed his creative Innovations with equally creative Marketing and who went after its Competitors with ruthless Vengeance.  Trouble is, there are Dozens of Cell Phones and ,,Tablets'' which work really just as fine as Apple and one can sustain this Kind of Sizzle for only so long.  Steve Jobs masterfully maintained the Apple Legend for far longer than any savvy Marketing Executive would have thought possible but his untimely Death merely accelerated the Inevitable and Tim Cook...well, Tim Cook is no Steve Jobs and the First One who should know this and hopefully does, is Tim Cook himself.  Tim Cook overshot the Mark with the Introduction of the latest iPhone and overshot it badly; apparently the Orders for 5 Million iPhones were not 5 Million; and just because Tim Cook said there would be 5 Million iPhones sold did not cause Peopole to snatch those iPhones fast enough just to prove Tim Cook was right in predicting the Number of iPhones to be sold.  Apple Stock did not fare as badly as Google Stock did; it went down only 8,5%.  Other Warts, which were dismissed during Steve Jobs' Reign, keep raising their ugly Heads:  the Working Conditions at Foxconn which is the primary Producer of iPhones, the Lawsuits which Apple is pursuing against everybody in Sight (including the $ 1 Billion Judgment Apple was awarded against Samsung, now on Appeal) and more.

Still, none of the Above really points to the Crux of the Problem here.  With the American Economy in severe Trouble, with neither Mr. Obama or Mr. Romney having put out a credible Plan as to how they are going to pull the Economy out if its Tailspin, the more relevant Question should really have to do with just how many Jobs are these two Companies creating or even sustaining in the United States.

The Reader should be aware that we are talking here about two enormous Giants; one, Apple,the largest Company in the World in Terms of Capitalization.  Apple is bigger than General Motors although, it should be noted, General Motors is no longr General Motors but Apple is bigger than Exxon, too and, sometimes, that stretches the Limits of Credulity.

The Answer is that these two Companies employ very, very few People in the United States and, really, not that many Worldwide either.  Of Course, Investors on the Stock Market are not interested in creating Jobs; they are interested in making Money and that may not offer any Benefit to the Economy, regardless of what Mr. Bernanke thinks, but, as long as they are not breaking any Laws, there is no Choice but to tolerate their Practices.

However, the Question should be asked why the Focus of the News Media on these two Companies and, possibly, others of less Significance.  We are not talking about Trade Publications but rather, Mainstream.  These two Companies, which have amassed Billions and Zillions have not added any significant Jobs to the American Economy and they are not going to.  We, as a Nation, can be more mature.  We can pay less Importance to what Google and Apple do or think or even earn and pay more Attention how to create or ,,re-create'' Jobs which have evaporated, possibly, in Part, due to the Actions of these two Companies and focus on some of the real, acute and crucial Problems which this Country is facing today, economically.