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Samstag, 6. April 2013

Secretary of State John Kerry - Attempting to diffuse Tensions with North Korea and Elsewhere

Former Massachusetts Senator, now Secretary of State John Kerry, was selected by President Obama at the Beginning of the Year to succeed Hillary Clinton's turbulent Reign.

John Kerry had come very close to becoming President of the United States, far closer than Hillary Clinton.  He lost the Election to George W. Bush in 2004 by only 34 or 35 Electoral Votes.  But lost he did and now, as soon as he became Secretary of State, one could sense the Difference in Tone which he established from the Onset.  He went to Afghanistan, an unsteady Ally which, in the Words of President Obama cost the United States „Blood and Treasure” in a non ostentatious Military Plane, rather than the Luxury Jetliner which Secretary Clinton relentlessly used during her Tenure.

 John Kerry arriving on a Military Plane in Kabul, Afghanistan for Talks with President Karzai
(February 2013)

Hillary Clinton arriving on the State Department's Luxurious Jetliner in Kabul, Afghanistan
for the Inauguration of President Karzai 
(Archive Photo)

Instead of „lecturing” President Karzai and letting a bad Situation becoming worse, Secretary of State Kerry showed real Diplomacy by seeking to calm down not only President Karzai but the entire Afghanistan Situation which remains extremely volatile and one in which the United States has decided, wisely, not to aimlessly throw any more „Blood and Treasure.”

But the Statemanship of Secretary of State Kerry and what distinguishes him sharply from former Secretary Clinton has become even more evident in recent Days, with the rapidly escalating Tensions with North Korea, where a Dictatorial Regime makes anything possible.

As Korean Dictator Kim Jong-Un unleashed one Verbal Escalation after another against the United States (and against South Korea as well), the Administration initially followed a Clintonesque „Tit for Tat” Series of Responses.  Then, the Secretary of State intervened.

He wisely saw that nothing good can come out of this, with Kim Jong-Un possibly willing to risk it all, including Nuclear Weapons, for a Conflict which the United States does not want and does not need.  Following a Series of uninterrupted Escalations and Threats, which still continue, North Korea has closed the Rajin-Sonbong Special Economic Zone to South Korea and, on Friday 5 April recommended that Germany and Russia, among other Countries, evacuate their Embassies in Pyonyang, the Capital of North Korea (Interestingly, we do not know if North Korea has asked China to evacuate its Embassy).

The Tone was neutralized; the United States Response was that Dialogue is still possible and that North Korea should consider taking down the Tone of its Escalations an Octave or two.  Secretary of State Kerry's thinking, we believe, is clear; obviously, North Korea could be defeated, „Bombed into the Stone Age” as the Late Senator B. Morris Goldwater may have put it some Decades ago but the Question is, does the United States need another Mess on its Hands.  We think Secretary Kerry may have quickly looked over the Situation (or perhaps he had done so long before he became Secretary of State); with the unfinished Business left in Afghanistan, a Mess in Iraq which President George W. Bush generously dumped on the Lap of his Successor and diplomatic Blunders by his Predecessor, Secretary Clinton in Egypt and elsewhere, he chose, wisely, to walk the higher Moral Ground, save Money and act with Deliberation.

One more Thing...Secretary of State Kerry, following the Example set by his Boss, President Obama, has decided to donate 5% of his Salary to Charitable Causes.

This stands in glaring Contrast with Secretary Clinton's Husband, former President Clinton, who, it is thought, amassed Millions (some say Billions) through lucrative Dealmaking with Foreign Leaders whom he had met, yeah...when he was President of the United States.