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Freitag, 15. Juli 2011

The Budget Impasse

While Congress and the White House are struggling with the Debt Ceiling, Taxes and Expenditures, with so many Accusations being thrown in every which Direction, this Writer makes a modest Suggestion for a new Approach:

Under this Approach:

- President Obama would stop by Presidential Decree (no Congressional Approval needed), all Military Expenditures outside of the United States, except those needed to protect Diplomatic Missions and Government Officials travelling Abroad

- President Obama would fire Mr. Bernancke and Mr. Geithner, without appointing any Replacements for them

- By Executive Order, President Obama would direct Attorney General Holder to investigate any Allegations of Fraud and Mismanagement in any Government Expenditure of over $ 1 Billion

- By Executive Order, All Appointed Government Officials who earn in Excess of $ 100.000,00, would be required to study the Writings of Thomas Jefferson and pass a Course Completion Exam, in order to maitain future Job Tenure.  Those wishing to be considered for Promotions, should also be required to take Courses on Kant and Spinoza.

- President Obama would request Mrs. Clinton to return to the Air Force the Jetliner made available exclusively for her Use; however, she would continue to be free to travel anywhere she wishes internationally, via Military or Commercial Flights.

- Mr. Carter, at the frail Age of 86, would be called out of Disgrace and respectfully requested to conduct a Course on Zero Base Budgeting to all Members of Congress who wish  to receive future White House Invitations.  Mr. Carter is without Doubt going to accept this Responsibility.  Which Members of Congress would choose to attend, remains to be seen.  Side Bets on such Things would be allowed.

- The White House may consider reminding both the Republican and Democratic Congressional Leadership, but especially the Republican Leadership, that the Father and Shining Beacon of the Republican Party was Abraham Lincoln and not Ronald Reagan, that Ronald Reagan, who succeeded President Carter was the First to allow the Federal Deficits to explode to this insane Level of Magnitude, in no small Part through Military Expenditures for Things which have never been used and will never be used and that it was a Republican Senator from Pekin, Illinois (not China), to whom the Saying is attributed:  '...a Billion Dollars here, a Billion Dollars there and pretty soon you are talking about real Money!...'*

- Then, President Obama would sit in The White House and await for both Mr. Boehner, Mr. McConnell, Mr. Kantor and whoever else might be on their Side, to fold their Tent.

- A Re-Election Celebration Committee made up entirely of Volunteers should also be set up, should this Strategy be implemented.

Upon the Tent being duly folded, President Obama would request Congress to implement the following Legislation:

- Eliminate Social Security and Medicare Tax Ceilings which, have been drastically lowered while People collect Millions of Dollars in Bonuses, Tax Free, while at the same Time, People earning under $ 100.000,00 have no such Benefit and, the Medicare and Social Security Funds are underfunded.  See, Spinoza, Kant and Jefferson.  This would also be a good Time to ask Mr. Clinton to explain himself, not that it would do any good, why he proposed the intermingling of these Funds with the General Budget, thus showing a Surplus, whereas had this not been done, there would have been no Surplus and possibly, irresponsible Expenditures in subesequent Years could have been avoided.

- Propose a Value Added Tax of a Percentage to be determined, on all Luxury Goods Purchases over $100.000,00. 

- Tax Unearned Income at a Different, higher Rate than Earned Income, as it was done previously and as everyone prospered under the System, did not have to deal with Mortgage Derivatives, Countrywide Bank of America, AIG, Goldman Sachs nor all of the Goldman Sachs Employees who have infiltrated the Government and who do not give a Hoot about Thomas Jefferson, Immanuel Kant or Baruch Spinoza.  As far as they are concerned, who the Hell did Baruch Spinoza think he was, anyway?



* The Quote is attributed to, although disputed as to its exact Form to Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen, Republican, Illinois, 1896 - 1969.