In less than a Month, the Election for President of the United States will be over, setting, most likely, a Record on how much Money has been sent for electing a Public Official anywhere, ever...
Of more than inconsequential Interest appear to be some of the People whose Presidential ,,Preference'' is being reported by various Media, People whom we should take into Account, as ,,Authorities,'' or ,,Experts'' of some Sort...otherwise, why even mention what their Opinion is on the Subject?
For Mitt Romney: Lindsay Lohan, fresh from her Nighttime Hotel Escapade in New York!
For Barack Obama: Bruce Springsteen, a major Force in 20th Century American Politics!
Just how is the Opinion of these People relevant to the crucial Issues which confront this Country today?
One Publication described certain Endorsements as having the Potential to be toxic. What may be equally, if not more toxic is the Attention and Importance we and the Press pay to the Opinions of these People, just as, how can one forget, Mike Huckabee running for President being endorsed by Chuck Norris? Are these People who should shape our Political Thinking and be held up by the Press as ,,Authorities'' of any Sort whatsoever?
Important Footnote: we are told, Lindsay Lohan will soon register to vote in order to add ,,Gravitas'' to her Endorsement.
Of more than inconsequential Interest appear to be some of the People whose Presidential ,,Preference'' is being reported by various Media, People whom we should take into Account, as ,,Authorities,'' or ,,Experts'' of some Sort...otherwise, why even mention what their Opinion is on the Subject?
For Mitt Romney: Lindsay Lohan, fresh from her Nighttime Hotel Escapade in New York!
Lindsay Lohan
For Barack Obama: Bruce Springsteen, a major Force in 20th Century American Politics!
Bruce Springsteen
Just how is the Opinion of these People relevant to the crucial Issues which confront this Country today?
One Publication described certain Endorsements as having the Potential to be toxic. What may be equally, if not more toxic is the Attention and Importance we and the Press pay to the Opinions of these People, just as, how can one forget, Mike Huckabee running for President being endorsed by Chuck Norris? Are these People who should shape our Political Thinking and be held up by the Press as ,,Authorities'' of any Sort whatsoever?
Important Footnote: we are told, Lindsay Lohan will soon register to vote in order to add ,,Gravitas'' to her Endorsement.