A recent Article caught our Attention:
„EmployeeProductivity” is being lost because Airlines have Rules prohibiting the Use of Portable Electronic Devices during Take Off and Landing on Planes.
The Study documenting this was done by no less an Authority than someone at de Paul University.
Folks, can we get serious for a Moment about this? Is this what we want, while getting on and off a Plane, or settling for a Seat in what could be an unconfortable Flight, if flying Coach, with Goodness knows how many People around us getting out their Laptops, Tablets and iPhones and starting to furiously poke at them during Take Off and Landing?
Is it not enough the Explosion of Noises, after a Plane lands, with Cell Phones going on all around us while still others are practicing Weight Lifting trying to get out of Overhead Bins Pieces of Luggage which would have gone into the Belly of the Plane, were it not for the $ 25,00 or so Checked Baggage Fee? You might be surprised how much less Carry on Baggage is brought on Board on an International Flight, where these Fees largely do not exist.
In the cramped, overcrowded Environment of a Plane, some where Passangers, including Women with Children and the Elderly are making the Best of trying to get from Point „A” to Point „B” with the Minimum amount of Hassle, is the Use of Electronic Devices for a few extra Minutes of such paramount Importance? Is an Argument being made here that Passengers have some Sort of Right to an „Uninterrupted Office in the Plane?”
There seem to be enough Issues of concern to the Flying Public, Factors such as Safety and Confort, the Latter of which has suffered dismally over the Years, where focusing on something like „Employee Productivity” in order to justify unterrupted Use of Electronic Devices on Airplanes would simply distract from other more important Things; cause us to diffuse our Attention rather than to focus.
What Confidence would you have in a Company which is having its Employees make Decisions while Planes are landing and taking off?
„EmployeeProductivity” is being lost because Airlines have Rules prohibiting the Use of Portable Electronic Devices during Take Off and Landing on Planes.
The Study documenting this was done by no less an Authority than someone at de Paul University.
Folks, can we get serious for a Moment about this? Is this what we want, while getting on and off a Plane, or settling for a Seat in what could be an unconfortable Flight, if flying Coach, with Goodness knows how many People around us getting out their Laptops, Tablets and iPhones and starting to furiously poke at them during Take Off and Landing?
Is it not enough the Explosion of Noises, after a Plane lands, with Cell Phones going on all around us while still others are practicing Weight Lifting trying to get out of Overhead Bins Pieces of Luggage which would have gone into the Belly of the Plane, were it not for the $ 25,00 or so Checked Baggage Fee? You might be surprised how much less Carry on Baggage is brought on Board on an International Flight, where these Fees largely do not exist.
In the cramped, overcrowded Environment of a Plane, some where Passangers, including Women with Children and the Elderly are making the Best of trying to get from Point „A” to Point „B” with the Minimum amount of Hassle, is the Use of Electronic Devices for a few extra Minutes of such paramount Importance? Is an Argument being made here that Passengers have some Sort of Right to an „Uninterrupted Office in the Plane?”
This is what it looks like when you are Boarding a Plane
There seem to be enough Issues of concern to the Flying Public, Factors such as Safety and Confort, the Latter of which has suffered dismally over the Years, where focusing on something like „Employee Productivity” in order to justify unterrupted Use of Electronic Devices on Airplanes would simply distract from other more important Things; cause us to diffuse our Attention rather than to focus.
What Confidence would you have in a Company which is having its Employees make Decisions while Planes are landing and taking off?