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Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2011

Duel - Obama v. Clinton Teil 2 - Part Two - Deuxième Act

One little Item went nearly unnoticed over the News Wires a few Days ago; Mrs. Clinton said, she would not (Emphasis added) commit to serving as Secretary of State in a Second Obama Administration. For that, obviously, the Implication is that Mr. Obama would be re-elected for a Second Term but, the Implication also is that Mr. Obama would be re-nominated by the Democratic Party for a Second Term; an almost universally shared Assumption. However, one should not assume that almost universally shared means that Mrs. Clinton shares in that Universe. Not too long ago, Mrs. Clinton had also stated in various Interviews that she loves her Job as Secretary of State, that it is such a great Job and that it gives the Opportunity to deal with so many Challenges on the World Stage.

Last Weekend, The New York Times broke with the Story regarding the Rift between 'The White House' and 'The State Department' (on the Issue of the Transition in Egypt, with Mubarak staying Short Term or Longer Term) which, translated into English means, the Rift between President Obama and Mrs. Clinton. There have also been Suggestions that the Leak(s) regarding the Rift came from The White House, which, if true, would absolve Mrs. Clinton of any Attempts to undermine the Authority of the President. Only The New York Times knows that for sure. However, before going too far inside that Suggestion, it might be useful to make a few Observations.

When the Demonstrations in Egypt broke out, the First Hawkish Statements came from Mrs. Clinton herself. In her inimitable Albrightesque-Cojonesque Style, Mrs. Clinton declared, with a menacing Voice, that the Leaders of Egypt (i. e., Mubarak) have no Choice but to listen to the Voices being raised in Tahrir Square. The White House bought into the Argument and, as the Demonstrations proceeded and gained Intensity, Mr. Obama came out on Television and through Statements issued by The White House and his Press Secretary, for a Rapid Transition in Egypt, accusing Mr. Mubarak of not moving fast enough, which of course he was not.

When, for all Intents and Purposes, Mubarak's Fate had been sealed, then the State Department became engaged into an Effort of lobbying for a Longer Transition, with Mubarak continuing to play a Role. That, in Effect, as we say, pulled the Rug from under the White House Statements, or, as I think somebody said way back during the Nixon Administration, left the White House 'twist slowly in the Wind,' without full, active and unqualified Support from The State Department.

Thus, one may ask the Question: 'Why?' One possible Answer is that Mrs. Clinton may be eyeing 2012. Many think that Mrs. Clinton would not attempt such a Thing until 2016. However, Politics today seem to dictate, 'Sooner is better than later,' in every Circumstance except when it comes to Budget Cuts and raising Taxes. Additionally, many of us, including Mrs. Clinton, could not help but notice the meteoric Rise of Sarah Palin who has literally come out of nowhere and who, many think, is going to make a Run for the White House, no matter what. Virgil said, 'Audentes Fortuna juvat.' With a little Bit of Luck, there may even be some Palin v. Bachmann Republican Primaries or even Palin v. Nikki Haley Primaries, in the South. Most astute Observers think that Palin is not very likely to be nominated by the Republican Party and, if she were, she would lose badly against President Obama or, any other possible Democratic Nominees and there aren't that many other 'possible Democratic Nominees' except, of course, for Mrs. Clinton. However, the very Fact of a Palin Candidacy in the Primaries, would raise the Awareness for a Woman Presidential Candidate.

For Mrs. Clinton to make another Run for the Democratic Nomination, the Stars would have to line up not just right, they would have to be perfectly lined up. That would mean, for the Budget, Deficit and Economy Issues to continue to run South; those, Mrs. Clinton knows she has no control over; they are on Automatic Pilot but the Automatic Pilot is steering a Course favourable to Mrs. Clinton; so, a few Foreign Policy Misalignments would not hurt.

Mrs. Clinton received a Total of 18 Million Votes in the last Series of Presidential Primaries; that is a formidable Achievement, particularly because she ran against a formidable Opponent and this Time, if it were that even the Possibility arose, that the First Woman President of the United States could be elected, the prevailing Wisdom would very likely be: No! Not Nikki Haley, not Michelle Bachmann and Heaven forbid Sarah Palin; Clinton!

And President Clinton would no longer have to go to the Pulpit in a Black Church and have to ponder outloud, how to solve the Dilemma of an 'Abundance of Riches' when it comes to making up his Mind regarding who would be the best Presidential Candidate this Time; there would now be only one logical Choice.

Nicollò Macchiavelli's Book, 'Il Principe' may have finally come to deserve a Sequel...'La Principessa.'