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Sonntag, 23. August 2020

That Adorable Dr. Fauci

The Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.  Dr. Anthony Fauci.  A little over six months ago nobody had heard of him, at least not too many people, we don't think.  Yet, almost overnight, Dr. Fauci has become not only a celebrity but a very powerful individual.  Although his power is somewhat on the vane lately, nonetheless, he commands tremendous authority.  He offers statements on most things that have something to do with the Corona Virus and also various things which, either directly or indirectly, are not related that much with the Corona Virus.

We thought it might be informative, and perhaps useful, to take a look at some of the things Dr. Fauci says, writes or thinks.

Historically, over the last six months or so, Dr. Fauci has expressed various, sometimes derogatory and sometimes contradictory opinions about numerous ways in which the Medical Community and others, have thought to seek solutions to treat or cure the Corona Virus epidemic.

To name a few, Hydroxychloroquine, no, it does not meet the Gold Standard.  Remdesivir, which has in the meantime proven to have several benefits in treating this disease, no, and then, when the drug was proven to work, silence.  Plasma, no.  The Japanese drugs which have been proven effective in treating the Corona Virus, Faviripiravir and Avigan, we think they are mention, he doesn't even want to hear about them.

There are many indications that some if not all of the above drugs, and others, are at least partially effective, perhaps a lot more effective than Dr. Fauci cares to admit.  But when pressed about this argument, Dr. Fauci brings in his argument about the ,,Gold Standard'' which he says should be used in Clinical Trials and he, only he, decides when this ,,Gold Standard'' has been met.

Dr. Fauci also states that the Corona Virus is a serious problem.  We agree.  We wonder then, when a problem is as serious as he says it is, and it is, then, rather than doing nothing, why would not a ,,Silver Standard'' or even a ,,Bronze Standard'' be worth giving a try.  We also wonder why some of these drugs, notably Hydroxychloroquine, which has been around in Germany and elsewhere, under one form or another since 1933 and is considered to be an extremely safe drug to administer, suddenly is being called into question for numerous safety issues which nobody noticed for almost 90 years.

And if there is a ,,Gold Standard,'' a drug without side effects and without contraindications, we would like to know about it.  Not only for prescription only drugs but also over the counter drugs, such as Aspirin, which are contraindicated for some and can have side effects on others.

In the meantime, Dr. Fauci strongly urges the wearing of masks and lately, aviator goggles as well, as well as ,,Social Distancing'' a term which, we don't think existed before 2020.  These things may be effective.  Then again, they may be less effective than Dr. Fauci will have us believe.  But the question must be asked, why Dr. Fauci does not insist on his ,,Gold Standard'' for evaluating just how effective each one of these things are.

One must also question, how valid are some of these edicts proclaimed by Dr. Fauci.  They seem to resemble more the motto ,,Do as I say, not as I do,'' as he is often seen not wearing a mask, he contradicts himself on whether one should wear a mask or not wear a mask, he does not seem to be much into ,,Social Distancing'' and he certainly does not wear aviator goggles.  Dr. Fauci's counterparts and colleagues, notably Dr. Ferguson in England have been guilty of even worse.  Dr. Ferguson spent overnight time for several days with his mistress, a married woman with children, even though he had tested positive for the Corona Virus.  That would appear to be not only negligent, at best, but the pinnacle of irresponsibility, an act for which, mercifully, he was fired.

Dr. Fauci speaks about other things, too, personal sanitary habits which have been recognized since time immemorial.  But not too forcefully.  There seems to be evidence that personal sanitary habits can go a long way to arrest the spread not only of the Corona Virus but many other communicable diseases, but, that's not where his mind is at.

Dr. Fauci's mind is on a Vaccine.  That's the cure all, he wants us to believe.  Yet, looking at the history of Vaccines in general, while they are very useful and should be employed in all situations where possible, including the Corona Virus, no Vaccine is 100% effective.  Vaccines which are 80-90% effective are considered spectacular.  Elsewhere, earlier, we mentioned that a Corona Virus Vaccine, developed with such speed, might be 40% effective.  Recently, Dr. Fauci himself came out and said, he would consider it a success if a Corona Virus Vaccine would be 50% effective.  He did not explain how he would eradicate the Corona Virus with a Vaccine which is only 50% effective.

There are Doctors and Medical Professionals who have introduced the concept of Herd Immunity.  Italy was one of the hardest hit countries by the Corona Virus.  One must admit, if even grudgingly, that the Italian people, the Italian Medical Professionals and, above all, the Italian Doctors fought valiantly, against enormous odds and with extremely limited assets.  They used many of the drugs and treatments which Dr. Fauci expressed skepticism about.  They also carefully followed the concept of Herd Immunity.  Result?  There were 3 Corona Virus fatalities in Italy yesterday.  But Dr. Fauci wants to hear none of that.

One thing which should be mentioned, although it does not bear directly on the Corona Virus epidemic, or perhaps precisely because of that, is that people in Italy live longer than any other country in the world, except Japan.  And that may be due to a number of reasons.  But they also must and have darn good Doctors, not just Professor this and that at University that and the other, but everyday Doctors, who treat patients day in and day out in ordinary settings, in big cities, towns and villages.

Some people have been angered, very angered, by the New York State's actions of sending Corona Virus infected patients back into nursing homes, while, at least in New York City, two provisional hospitals provided by the Federal Government laid empty.  We did not hear Dr. Fauci calling into question that policy either.  Neither, whether by Dr. Fauci or anyone else, the idea of going in and disinfecting the entire New York City area of rats, including, probably, many hospitals, and washing down the streets regularly, twice daily, not only in New York City but elsewhere, too, as, incidentally, many Italian (and other) cities do.

So, where does all that take us?  It takes us to the national ,,Lockdown'' which in one form or another, is still in effect today.  And an argument can be made, or at least should be looked into, as to whether there is any causal relationship between this ,,Lockdown'' and the immense upheaval taking place in some American cities, by people, mostly young, black and white, men and women, even boys and girls; people who have lost their jobs, people who have been shut out of school, people where family life has been disrupted and upheaved.

If one looks at the history of the 20th Century, certainly one of the bloodier Centuries in the annals of history, not even Adolf Hitler, not even Joseph Stalin, leaders known for being capable of unspeakable cruelty, locked down their own population...which is to say, put their entire population under house arrest.  It is true, 2000 years ago, Emperor Nero, who has earned his rightful place in the annals of infamy, set fire to Rome, but even Nero, did not ,,lockdown'' the people of Rome into their own houses, before he threw torches on their houses' roofs to set them on fire.

Some people believe, the economic (and also psychological) effects of this ,,Lockdown''' are catastrophic.  People are without work.  Businesses are shut down along America's streets and elsewhere.  Hotels, airlines and restaurants have practically ceased to exist almost overnight.  And, of course there is a domino effect to this which we are seeing develop before our own very eyes.  Some have observed that the fall of Rome (caused by other factors) was followed by 1000 years of darkness. 

How President Trump as well as various other leaders of other countries were persuaded to follow such ideas as promulgated by Dr. Fauci and, not only by Dr. Fauci but many others, that is for future historians to figure out.

It appears very much, Dr. Fauci, a Doctor who has probably never treated a patient in his life for Corona Virus or for anything else, a Doctor who stated he does not know what therapy he would recommend if a member of his family became infected with the Corona Virus, has just been guessing at things.  Statistically, it should have been pointed to Dr. Fauci, who describes himself as a scientist, that someone guessing at things has a 50% chance of being right.  About the same as his Vaccine.  That may not be, that is not a very wise way to conduct public policy.

Lord Acton wrote, ,,Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.''  Dr. Fauci and others like him, were given, overnight, immense power.  The results of this, we are now condemned to endure.