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Dienstag, 13. September 2016

Two Questions about Hillary Clinton (9/11)

Regarding the recent news concerning Hillary Clinton's bout with pneumonia, there are two questions which have gone through this writer's mind:

1.  Why was Hillary Clinton wearing dark sunglasses throughout the period she was attending the 9/11 Memorial?

2.  If, it wasn't for someone named Zdenek Gazda, who shot the roughly 20 second long video showing Mrs. Clinton unsteadily leaning against a concrete pole, then stumbling and her knees buckling as she was literally carried into a vehicle, would we have even know anything of this had happened?

Samstag, 6. Februar 2016

Politics, the Stock Market and Debt

Since January 1, 2016, the news from Wall Street has been discouraging.  The Dow Jones Industrial Average is down by something around 7% and the other indices have not performed well either.  Nor have other markets internationally been doing well .  Additionally, Wall Street did not perform well during the last two months of 2015 either.

During the earlier few years, as the stock indices kept pushing relentlessly higher and higher, there weren't too many who were questioning what caused such an unprecedented phenomenon.  However, now, as billions and billions get burned into ashes day after day, many are asking why.

There is one factor, however, which, to some observers at least, has not escaped consideration.  For years following the financial collapse of 2008, the Fed, the Federal Reserve Bank, had been pumping something on the level of $ 70 billion into the financial markets and the stock market, each and every month.  That, under a theory which Mr. Bernanke, the former Chairman of the Fed, called „Quantitative Easing,” whatever that means and something which President George H. W. Bush, the elder President Bush, may have called Vodoo Economics.  Some say the monthly amount by the Fed into the Financial Markets for years and years on end might have been less, some, maybe even more, but all agree that the amount of money pumped into the markets was enormous, beyond anything which one could possibly comprehend.

As we observed here a good while ago, to put this into perspective, $ 70 billion pumped into the financial markets every month would be the equivalent of giving, in cash, more than $ 17,000 each month to every man, woman and child in the United States.  That, most of us agree, is a staggering sum of money for years and years on end and, indeed, $ 17,000 in the hands of every living person in the United States, month after month after month, could have probably done as much, if actually not even much, much more (and more quickly) in pulling the United States out of the financial crisis which has been generously described as the Great Recession, which, we are not sure, is better or worse than a Small Depression.

The total sum of money which the Fed pumped into the markets is technically not part of the Federal Budget and did not have to be approved by Congress.  Technically, it is backed by securities of various sorts which have been purchased by the Fed but, which, if they decrease in value or fail, would create an additional debt incurred by the Federal Government.

It is relatively easy to see that, during this period,  except for the most inept, everyone made money on the Stock Market and other Financial Markets.  Perhaps it is not that much more difficult to see that once this money source dried up, the demand to buy securities, dropped correspondingly.

We all suspect, although no one knows for sure, that this extraordinary „Financial Tool” as former Secretary of the Treasury Paulsen, ex Goldman Sachs described it, ended sometime around November 2015; around that time and shortly before, the blame for the instability in Financial Markets was thrown on the Chinese; surely the Chinese bear some of the blame for what is going on but not all of the blame.

There is, however, a footnote to this which is particularly worrysome.  Currently the United States Treasury carries a national debt of something on the order of $ 19 trillion.  That, of course, is a staggering amount of debt; representing something like 20 years of Wall Street „Quantitative Easing.”   The Fed has been extremely careful in swapping these federal debt obligations for longer and longer terms, for up to 20 years, „locking in” near zero interest rates.  However, as the Fed has been forced to start inching up the interest rates, the new debt coming in from federal deficits (along with any other debt renewals has started inching upwards; this, in effect, accelerates the rate at which the national debt would increase, since none of the debt is being retired; actually, new debt has been piling up which, accordingly, would also have to be financed at the current and coming higher rates.

Mrs. Yellen, the current Fed Chairman has been trying to navigate through these treacherous and, one can even say, with much vigor and wisdom, although, regrettably, she has few allies; the current Federal Budget, not yet even agreed upon is in danger throwing the federal deficits into an even worse quagmire.