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Samstag, 30. März 2013

Saturday's Matinée Performance at The Met - La Traviata (Again!)


Habits are not easy to break; whether they be good or bad.  Take, „La Traviata” (Music by Giuseppe Verdi, Libretto by Francesco Maria Piave).  This is one of the most widely performed Operas by Repertories Worldwide; it has endured literally unbroken Popularity since its Première in 1853 at Teatro La Fenice in Venice.

Marquis, Opening Night, La Traviata, Teatro la Fenice, Venice,
6 March 1853

The Metropolitan Opera in New York has performed and also broadcast this Work numerous Times, recently in the much talked aboout Willy Decker „hurried” Production on which we expressed some Concerns in this Column back in January 2011.  Unfortunately, the Met decided in reviving this Production in 2013 wíth a nationally and internationally broadcast Performance on 30 March 2011, on their regular Saturday Matinée.

There is one fantastic Thing to say about the 2013 Revival, Soprano Diana Damrau, from Günzburg, Bavaria, appearing, we think, for the First Time at the Met.  And it is about Time.  She has a spectacular Voice, even though this would also be the First Time she sings the Role of Violetta.  (She will be singing Violetta again in Zürich in May).

Soprano Diana Damrau
The Rest though, is much of the Same or, maybe even a Little worse.  Conducting is Yannick Nézet-Séguin and he is no Gianandrea Noseda, who conducted La Traviata in 2011 at the Met.  Conductor Nézet-Séguin did Justice to the hurried and uninispiring Willy Decker Production; he was obviously in a Hurry himself, having to conduct a Concert in Philadelphia, 100 Miles away, later on the same Day.

The Met's Desperation to populate the Stage with „Stars” is also evident in the ill advised Choice of Plàcido Domingo in the Baritone Role of Giorgio Germont (Alfredo Germont's Father) something which Domingo accepted to do gleefully.  There is something to be said for Domingo who wants to show he can do it all, sing Tenor (at which he unquestionably excelled), conduct, be an Artistic Director (Los Angeles Opera) and now, sing Baritone as well.  There is also something to be said about not wanting to do all these Things.

But there is Magic in it all, albeit in a strange and possibly perverted Way.  3000 Miles away, Conductor James Conlon, liberated from the „Directorate” of Plàcido Domingo, who was far away in New York trying to be a Baritone, conducted a spectacular orchestral Performance of „La Cenerentola” in an inspiring and artistically refreshing Production with, it must be said, a sadly inadequate Cast.  But in watching Mastro Conlon conducting, one could feel the Freedom, the Creativity and the unbound Enthusiasm that he put into his Orchestra (and, yes, in the Cast, too) trying to bring out the best Performance he could possibly do of this Rossini Masterpiece.

For those who might be curious to know what a „non hurried” Performance of La Traviata sounds like, here is Maria Callas, with Giuseppe di Stefano, singing the famous Brindisi (Libiamo) from Act I of La Traviata, in México City in 1952 and, again, in Milan in 1955 (Live Performances).
Maria Callas
This was Callas at the Zenith of her Career.

Freitag, 29. März 2013

The Defense of Marriage Act - Arguments before the Supreme Court

The Second Day of Arguments before the Supreme Court of the United States concerned the Defense of Marriage Act, which is a Federal Law.  This Case has nothing to do with the Right of Homosexuals (or Lesbians, or Transgendereds) to marry, rather, it was an Appeal from a Case called United States v. Windsor, a Case of a Lesbian Couple married in Canada but who lived in the United States.  Edith Windsor's Lesbian Spouse died and Windsor was faced with an Inheritance Tax on which the Internal Revenue Service refused to apply the Marital Exemption.  Windsor had married someone named Thea Clara Speyer in 2007.  Unfortunately for Windsor, Speyer was not poor and she also died Two Years after the Canadian „Marriage” thus exposing Windsor to a $ 360,000 Inheritance Tax Bill.

Windsor's Lawsuit and Appeals were based centrally, if not solely on this Ground:  $ 360,000.  Windsor got, obviously, a substantial Inheritance from Speyer, even after paying the Federal Inheritance Tax which, it must be noted, has been in Effect, until very recently, at Rates much, much lower than previously.

However, that appears to have been of little Consolation to Edith Windsor who wanted it all, meaning, the $ 360,000 which would have fallen under the Federal Inheritance Marital Exemption as well.

The Arguments by Donald Verilli, Solicitor General, arguing against himself (and the United States) and former Solicitor General Paul Clement, arguing, „on Paper” on Behalf of Congress, were varied.  The Supreme Court even appointed another Lawyer, Vicki Jackson, a Harvard Law Professor, to argue whether the Court even had Jurisdiction on the Case.  Ms. Windsor's own Lawyer argued for the Money.

So, the Bottom Line on the Case, for Ms. Windsor, anyways, distills down to the $ 360,000 and Sum which she may have easily spent on Lawyers so far and which may not recover (plus, likely, the $ 360,000 Inheritance Tax), unless she prevails, which she well may.

There is an Issue of Public Policy, however, which was not argued before the Court and which could not be argued, that being, in this Era of Crises where Loopholes in various Federal Tax Laws are being questioned, paramount amongst them, the Federal Inheritance Tax Loopholes, whether the overall Process of the Interest of the Nation is being pushed forward through the Inclusion of more People into the Loophole.

It seems the Case regarding the Defense of Marriage Act, United States v. Windsor, is basically about Money, in an Æra when the Federal Government should be (as it was) looking for every possible Source of Revenue, where consideration should be given to contracting rather than enlarging, Federal Revenue Gaps and Loopholes.

Donnerstag, 28. März 2013

Pascha et Paschatis - Ostern und Pessach - 2013

Felix Pasche
Buona Pasqua
Happy Easter
Frohe Ostern
Joyeuses Pâques
Felices Pascuas
Շնորհավոր Սուրբ Զատիկ
„Peysekh” - Sholem

Mittwoch, 27. März 2013

The Supreme Court - Oral Arguments on Homosexual Marriage - Addendum

Addendum:  One of our Readers brought up an interesting Point on our just prior Discussion regarding the Oral Arguments before the Supreme Court, the Questioning by Mme. Justice Sotomayor, Chief Justice Roberts and the Arguments of Attorney Theodore Olsen:

(This Line of Argument was not raised in the Exchanges between the Justices and Attorney Olsen but it would have been, we think, an interesting one)

OK, OK, Moslems...let's keep them out of the Discussion for the Moment but how about the Mormons?

Do States have a Right to restrict Mormons from their „Freedom of Religion” and prohibit Marriages to multiple Spouses?

Then, see Mr. Olsen's Reply to Justice Sotomayor and Justice Roberts' Questioning which begs the Question, why Mormons would be denied their „Constitutional Right” to „Freedom of Religion” by getting married to 3, 6, 12, 16 or Goodness knows to how many Spouses...

Notes:  Mormons are one of the largest, the fastest growing and the richest Religious Denomination in the United States.  Mormon Churches have $ 60 Billion in Cash Assets in the Bank.  Nowhere near enough to eliminate the Federal Deficit, but still...

All States have Legislation which outlaws Multiple Spouses.  None of these Laws has been found to be unconstitutional.

The Supreme Court - Oral Arguments on Homosexual Marriages

On Tuesday the Supreme Court of the United States heard Oral Arguments on one of the two Cases on the Issue which the Court agreed to review; today's Arguments were on the California Initiative (Proposition 8) prohibiting Homosexual Marriages which was ruled invalid by lower Federal Courts.  The Pressure on the Court in recent Weeks to issue a Finding that any Prohibition on Homosexual (i. e., Gay) Marriages is unconstitutional has been enormous. 

The Arguments and Questioning by the Justices were often amusing; there was Laughter in the Court on more than one Occasion.  We would like to focus on one such Instances which, despite being amusing, raise relevant Issues.

The Issue that caught this Column's Attention is Polygamy.

Essentially, if the Argument against a Prohibition against Homosexual Marriages is to be equated to similar Arguments against miscegenation, for Example (which were ruled unconstitutional by the Court), then, well, then, here is an Exchange between Mme. Justice Sotomayor and Attorney Theodore Olson:

Mme. Justice Sonia Sotomayor

Sotomayor: If you say that marriage is a fundamental right, what state restrictions could ever exist?

Olson: "Well, you've said -- you've said in the cases decided by this Court that the polygamy issue, multiple marriages raises questions about exploitation, abuse, patriarchy, issues with respect to taxes, inheritance, child custody, it is an entirely different thing. And if you -- if a State prohibits polygamy, it's prohibiting conduct. If it prohibits gay and lesbian citizens from getting married, it is prohibiting their exercise of a right based upon their status."

Attorney Theodore Olsen

which then allowed Chief Justice Roberts to raise the Issue of the Definition of Marriage, the „Label:”

Roberts: “So it's just about — it's just about the label in this case.”

Olson: “The label is — ”

Roberts: “Same-sex couples have every other right, it's just about the label.”

Olson: “The label ‘marriage’ means something. Even our opponents — ”

Roberts: “Sure. If you tell — if you tell a child that somebody has to be their friend, I suppose you can force the child to say, this is my friend, but it changes the definition of what it means to be a friend. And that's it seems to me what the — what supporters of Proposition 8 are saying here. You're — all you're interested in is the label and you insist on changing the definition of the label.”
Olson: “It is like you were to say you can vote, you can travel, but you may not be a citizen. There are certain labels in this country that are very, very critical.”


Chief Justice Roberts

The above Exchanges expose, rather than resolve, the Difficulties of the Issue of Homosexual Marriages.

What would be the Consequences of the Ruling by the Supreme Court, no Matter in which Direction it goes (some are suggesting that the Supreme Court is tending towards as „narrow” Ruling) to, say, Muslims in the United States, which is soon becoming a „Multi-Culty” Society, for wanting to exercise their Religious Right to Polygamy?  Would a Denial of the Right of Muslims to engage in Polygamy be a Denial of their Right to freely exercise their Religion?

The Issue is complex, difficult and will hang as a Damocles' Sword over Generations yet unborn; certainly this is going into uncharted Waters, as many Things seem to be doing these Days; the Challenges that the Supreme Court is facing in coming down with a Decision on this Case are immense and burdensome; burdensome on future Generations; Things are not as simple as Mr. Olson, who has switched Positions and Affiliations with ease in his Career, would have us believe they are.


Mittwoch, 20. März 2013

Mr. Bernanke's Reaction to the Cyprus Crisis


Here is what Mr. Bernanke said regarding the Cyprus Financial Crisis:  He said,

Bernanke: Cyprus poses 'no major risk' to U.S. banks, economy

The U. S. Stock Market reacted positively to Mr. Bernanke's Comments.

Data as of 5:16pm ET
Wednesday’s Close:
  • Dow +55.91

  • Nasdaq +25.09

Mar 20 4:56pm:
U.S. stocks rose Wednesday after the Federal Reserve reiterated that its stimulus measures will remain in effect until the job market gets back on track

In Cyprus, Demonstrations against the now rejected Bailout Plan, linked to expropriating 10% of the Value of Savings Accounts, continued, accompanied by many Placards in English, an interesting one, stating, „Aphrodite is angry.”  Banks continued to remain closed.

Aphrodite, or Venus, as she is known to many of us was and continues to be, in the Minds of many, the Goddess of Love.

What we don't know, of course, is just how angry she is and just what she exactly might be thinking about the European Central Bank, which came up with their ,,Rescue Plan” or, for that Matter, Mr. Bernanke, who seems to be steering clear of her at any Cost.  In this Case, the Cost seems to be that of pumping more Money through the „Discount Window” to Financial Institutions deemed „Too big to fail.”

One Thing we know, from Greek Mythology and the Renaissance is that when Aphrodite was born, she was anything but angry.

The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli
Her Daddy, Zeus, though, was another Story.  No one would have wanted to mess around with him, especially when he got angry.

Cyprus and the Stock Market

This Column has long been critical of the Policies of The Federal Reserve and others, but particularly those of Mr. Bernanke, by pointing out the Low Interest, Easy Money Policies which The Fed has pursued, not only under Mr. Bernanke but also before (under Mr. Greenspan, for Example), but Policies which have been exacerbated during the Tenure of Mr. Bernanke.

Particularly, in the View of this Column but not only this Column, in the Opinion of others, including many respected Economists both in the United States and elsewhere, the Policies of the Fed have made it possible for the Stock Market to propel to Record Highs, in the Face of a languishing Economy, High Consumer Debt, the Mortgage Crisis, staggering Federal Deficits and so on.

Interesting, however, have been some of the Explanations which have come forward in order to explain the relentless upward Gyrations of the Stock Market from various Apologists and Allies of these Policies, including but not limited to, that Financial Powerhouse known as Goldman Sachs which, some consider to be an Arbiter of the Financial Movements on the Stock Market.

One of the Arguments most strongly pursued by these Apologists has been the „Global Nature” of the Stock Market, meaning that the World Economies are so tightly intertwined that the Stock Market represents not only a Barometer of the U. S. Economy but of the Global Economy and Financial Movements as well.

So, along this Week comes an „Inconvenient Truth,” that of a little Insular Country in the Eastern Mediterranean called Cyprus, a place many People have not even heard of.


Cyprus is a relatively tiny Island with enthic Problems of its own but which joined the Euro and, because of its unique Location, it attracted immense Offsore (well, Cyprus itself is Offshore!!!) Deposits from Russia and elsewhere.  Because Cyprus has close Relations with Greece, much of these Deposits were invested in Greece and other Places where they should not have been invested and the Result has been a Financial Disaster which may cause two or more of the Cyprus Large Banks to collapse and drag the whole of Cyprus into Collapse with them. 

Unspoiled Cyprus Shoreline

The European Central Bank has orchestrated a „Bailout” of Cyprus but, mindful of the Disaster in Greece and looming potential Disasters in Spain, Portugal, Italy or even France, it has „linked” the Bailout to a 10% Expropriation to be levied on all Savings Accounts, in order to help pay for the Bailout.  Although this was later modified to apply only to Savings Accounts above a certain Limit, the Resistance to such a Plan was monumental.  After considerable Turmoil on the Streets, accompanied by a „Bank Holiday” which caused a horrifying Liquidity Crunch in a Matter of Days, the Cypriot Parliament turned down the „Help” thus forcing the Situation forward into uncharted Waters.  Whereas, earlier, Huge Banks such as Deutsche Bank and, possibly, some American Banks and other Foreign Banks were not allowed to fail because of the Greek Financial Crisis (The „Too Big to Fail” Theory), large Cypriot Banks, tiny in comparison to Multinational International Banks may be allowed to fail.  We simply don't know.

However, all this presents a Dilemma for the Apologists and Supporters of the Stock Markets in New York, where the Dow Jones Industrial Average just recently catapulted, at galloping Speed, over the 14,000 Mark, citing, „Strength in the Economy.”

So, the following Explanation came forward:  it said, the  Cyprus Financial Crisis will actually help U. S. Markets because Investors will have no Choice but to seek Refuge in the U. S. Markets.  Throw out the Window „Globalisation,” High Unemployment, Horrendous Deficits, Disastrous Balance of Payments and, lest we forget, „Derivatives” championed by many, not least of whom, Goldman Sachs, which brought the United States Economy and Banking System to the Brink, requiring huge, partly unfunded Bailouts not only of Banks, but of huge other Institutions and Corporations.

It goes without saying that Mr. Bernanke, who has announced his Departure when his current Term expires, has remained silent on this Matter.  The Fed continues, during this continuing Series of Crises, to keep open „The Discount Window” where large, „Too Big to Fail Banks,” (and Financial Institutions, such as Goldman Sachs) can borrow Money at near Zero Interest Rates, while ordinary Citizens must struggle with Mortgage Foreclosures, Credit Card Debt and Student Loans.

„Irrelevant,” one can hear them say.  The Dow Jones has pushed through 14,000 and the Economy is on the Mend.  Global Economy or no Global Economy, Cyprus is 6.000 Miles away from New York.  We simply wonder, how are they measuring the Distance?  Globally, as on a Globe, or Flat Distance, as they did at one Time when everybody thought the Earth was flat and all you had to do in order not to fall off is not go too close to the Edge.

Sonntag, 17. März 2013

„Classy Acts”

Folks, when Marshall McLuhan (1911 - 1980) proclaimed his Axiom, „The Medium is the Message” he was referring, in great Part, to Advertising; however, it is reasonable to infer that he knew it pertained to much, much more.

It has also been said that a Picture speaks a Thousand Words.  Here are two recent Examples drawn irrespective of Political Coloration which demonstrate that the Axiom „The Medium is the Message” applies at least as equally to Politics as it does to Advertising, if not more so:

1.  Former Alaska Governor Sarah „Louise” Palin, addressing the CPAC in March 2013, holding a ,,Big Gulp”


2.  „Singer” Beyoncé singing The National Anthem at the Super Bowl in February 2013.

We regret, but the Photograph of „Singer” Beyoncé has apparently been censored, concealing her Wide Open Legs during her „Performance” of the National Anthem.

We wonder what Abraham Lincoln might have said or commented about all this.

Sadly, it appears, not too many People care or think much about Abraham Lincoln's Opinion about Things anymore.

For those who might be interested, here are some of the Things that President Lincoln said:

A Lincoln Portrait, by Aaron Copland.  The Philadelphia Orchestra, directed by Eugene Ormandy, recorded in 1962.  The Narrator is Ambassador and Governor Adlai E. Stevenson.


Freitag, 15. März 2013

No they say

According to the Department of Labor, U. S. Consumer Prices increased 0,7% in February.  More troublesome yet, the Department reports that Gasoline Prices shot up 9,1% during the same Period.

However, the Federal Reserve, under the Ægis of its Chairman, Mr. Bernanke, states that there is nothing to worry about.

Go figure...

But this is nothing new.  For some Reason, for Years now, the Federal Reserve gets to decide which Price Increases are inflationary and which are not...everyione else just gets to pay more...

In Memoriam - 15 March „The Ides of March”

Today, 15 March, „The Ides of March” in the Year 44 B. C., Caius Julius Cæsar was assassinated.

Ich bin nicht nachtragend aber ich vergesse nichts.  F. W. Steinmeier


Sonntag, 10. März 2013

Saturday 9 March 2013 Don Carlo(s) by Giuseppe Verdi - The Metropolitan Opera New York, Lorin Maazel, Conducting

Today The Metropolitan Opera in New York made an Attempt, a valiant Attempt to present Don Carlo(s) by Giuseppe Verdi.  Broadcast worldwide it was under the Baton of Lorin Maazel; as capable a Conductor as one could ask for such a monumental Work.

Giuseppe Verdi (1813 - 1901)
The Performance which runs close to Six Hours (including Intermissions) in the Italian Version (it runs just as long in the French Version) was spellbinding; breathtaking not only because the Performers threw in everything they could and then some but, equally, or, perhaps, mainly, because Don Carlo(s), an Opera which is performed frequently enough but not all that frequently also represents everything Verdi was able to think of and throw at his Audience.  Although Verdi composed Don Carlo(s) for Money; lots of Money still, when he wrote the Opera, he was at the Peak of his Fame and Creativity. 

Premièred in Paris in 1867, Don Carlo(s) was following spectacular Successes by Verdi:  Rigoletto, La Traviata and Aïda.  Even though there was no Shortage of great Composers at the Time; Jacques Offenbach in Paris and Johann Strauß in Vienna who composed ,,The Blue Danube Waltz'' in the same Year; to name just two Examples, still, Don Carlo(s) comes through as what can only be described as a dramatic Presentation of unparalleled Proportions.

The Music, the Story (adapted after Friedrich Schiller, Tragödie von Don Karlos) the entire Scope of the Work is so grand, as to make a ,,perfect'' or ,,near perfect'' Performance only a Dream, a Goal to be aspired for by any Great Opera Company.  It is a difficult and, expensive, Work to stage and perform.  Expensive, even by Opera Standards.

Scene from Don Carlos by Giuseppe Verdi, The Metropolitan Opera, New York, on Tour in Japan

On this Special Day, 9 March 2013, which has Signficance for its own for Reasons, we wish to express Gratitude to The Metropolitan Opera Company of New York, for making, once again, this Effort.

It would also be appropriate to pay supreme Homage to Verdi, a Great among Greats the Likes of which may never be seen again, for bequeathing to us what can only be aptly described, we believe, as an Orgasm of Musical Excellence.

Thank you, Joe!  Grazie Infinite!!!

(The Link above is a powerful Rendition of the Baritone/Tenor Duett, swearing Allegiance to Death - Giacomo Aragall and Renato Bruson in a Live Performance, at La Scala, Milan)