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Mittwoch, 4. Dezember 2013

A Hallucinogenic Performance

A short Clip; for those who may want to reach a Hallucinogenic Climax through a Historical Perspective...

This is called Anna Bolena...written in 1830...roughly the Story of Anne Boleyn, the Anne of a Thousand Days.

It was composed by someone by the Name of Gaetano Donizetti, who died insane and a relatively young Age

The Character in this Short Segment is Giovanna.  The Performer is Giulietta Simionato (1910-2010).  Simionato died 7 Days Short of her 100th Birthday.

Giulietta Simionato (here as Amneris)
The Performance is from La Scala in Milan, 14 April 1957 (Live Recording).

(Maria Callas was Anna Bolena in the Performance).

The Conductor was Gianandrea Gavazzeni (1909-1996).

The Lyrics are as follows:

Ah! pensate che rivolti
Terra e Cielo han gli occhi in voi;
Che ogni core ha i falli suoi
Per dovere altrui mercé.
La pietade Enrico ascolti,
Se al rigore è spinto il Re.
(English Translation)
Ah, think
 Heaven and Earth have their Eyes on you,
 That every Heart has its Flaws;
 so that it owes to others Mercy.
 May Enrico (King Henry VIII) hear the Call of Pity,
 If the King tends to be severe.
(German Translation)
Ach, bedenkt,
dass Himmel und Erde auf Euch blicken,
dass jedes Herz seine Fehler hat,
für die es anderen Gnade schuldet.
Möge Enrico auf das Mitleid hören,
wenn der König zur Strenge neigt


Freitag, 22. November 2013


The 50th Anniversary of the Assasination of President John F. Kennedy.

22 November 1963 - 22 November 2013

An Event which marked a Change in the Course of America.

An Assassination about which Questions still remain.

President John F. Kennedy (1917 - 1963)


Ondine e Silfidi

By G. Verdi (Macbeth, 1847)
(5 Minutes, 44 Seconds)

This Performance is from the Teatro Reggio di Parma.
(Seen as Macbeth is Baritone Leo Nucci)

As Edward R. Murrow would have said, Good Night and Good Luck.

Donnerstag, 31. Oktober 2013

The Runaway Money Printing Policy of the Fed(eral Reserve Bank)

Fresh on the Heels of the Government Shutdown and the painful Necessity to raise the Debt Ceiling a surprising but not unexpected Announcement from the Fed, in the waning Days of the Chairmanship of Mr. Bernanke:

Basically, the Fed, under Mr. Bernanke's Policy of so called „Quantitative Easing” just announced that will be pouring another $ 85 Billion into the Stock Market, buying Bonds, each Month, for the foreseeable Future, until at least March ofr 2014.  This is Money which is not reflected in the Federal Deficit and Money which the Government neither has, nor has authorized through Congress.  The Report further states and we are quoting here,

Wall Street had expected the Fed to refrain from tapering its so-called Money Printing Operation. (Emphasis added).

According, to The New York Times,on the other Hand,

The statement contained no surprises, and the stock market barely budged. The Fed was widely expected to continue adding $85 billion a month to its portfolio of Treasury securities and mortgage-backed securities, particularly in the aftermath of the disruptive partial shutdown of the federal government in the first half of October.
The Fed maintained a relatively optimistic economic outlook in the statement, released after a scheduled two-day meeting of its policy-making committee. It said the economy continued to expand “at a moderate pace” and that the availability of jobs continued to improve.

Now, as Mr. Bernanke prepares to clean up his Desk and leave his Office at the Federal Reserve, the several Trillion Dollars that he has spent, under this ill advised Policy will, of course, remain on the Books backed by Bonds.  What Kind of Bonds?  Goodness only knows.  It will be Mrs. Yellen's Job, presumably, to find out.

This stubborn Policy, pursued by Mr. Bernanke, to „Lift the Economy by the Bootstraps” under some strange Trickle Down Theory strongly reminsicent of „Reaganomics” has been conducted by Mr. Bernanke, if not singlehandedly, because he has had the Concurrence (although not unanimous) of the Federal Reserve Board Members, certainly without the Approval, Appropriation or even Advice of Congress nor that of the President of the United States.

It is true, that the Federal Reserve Board is supposed to function independently.  One wonders aloud, however, if under „independently” the Framers of the Law setting up the Federal Reserve Bank had in mind it spending $ 85 Billion per Month without any Accountability whatsoever.  No such Thing has ever been done by anyone else, anywhere, ever, with the one notable Exception of Vice President Cheney, who spent Billions on the War in Iraq, also without Congressional Approval.

It must be said, in Defense of Mr. Cheney, that the Sums of Money he spent pale in Comparison to the Amounts being spent by Mr. Bernanke.

This is also coming at a Time where incalculable Effort has been spent on showing that there has not been and there is going to be Little if any Inflation in the Consumer Price Index.

It would take too long to fully examine what that Statement is supposed to mean.  However, in Shorthand, it can safely be said that „No Inflation” means „No Inflation” except that certain Things are not to be included in the Equation, to mention a Few, Energy (Fuel and Utilities), Housing, Commodities (Food) plus a Couple of other Things here and there...

Even that Theory, as flawed as it is, has come under Scrutiny by the Mainstream, although many Economists have questioned ist Wisdom for a long Time.


Janet Yellen, the presumptive incoming Chair(wo)man of the Federal Reserves disagrees with Mr. Bernanke and believes that a draconian Control on Inflation (while notably excluding the Categories noted above and more) is not necessarily a beneficial Policy.

But the Consequences will be for her to sort out, once Mr. Bernanke leaves.

We are not sure where Mr. Bernanke is headed; Rumours have persisted and it appears that it is his wish to return to teaching at Princeton University; we simply don't know.  Earlier, we mentioned, we believe more than once, that President Woodrow Wilson (who was also President of his beloved Princeton University), may have rolled in his Grave (more than once) at the Thought of some of the Things that Mr. Bernanke did; to this, we need to add that he surely would have also scratched his head, if he would have been able to.

The Need for a Positive Approach to the Medical System in the United States

The First Thing that needs to be said here is that the Medical System in the United States does need to be drastically reformed.  It is the most expensive Medical System in the World and No. 2 does not even come close.  To make Things worse, someone who lives in the United States has about the same Life Expectancy as one does in Cuba, Way behind Places like Japan, Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany or, say, even behind Singapore or Cyprus.

Chart showing the astronomical Rise of Health Care Costs in the United States

The Health Care Reform Act (so called „Obamacare”) is an Attempt at doing precisely that.  However, what started as a well intentioned and even noble Effort was deteriorated by Compromise after Compromise and became filled with Loopholes which, not unexpectedly, Health Insurance Providers are eagerly trying to exploit.

Just to set something in Perspective:  the United States has the highest paid Doctors in the World.  Many Doctors who graduate from Medical School in Foreign Countries, where the Cost of getting this Education is Zero or near Zero, trek over as soon as they can to the United States where they can earn 100 Times or 1.000 Times more than they can in the Country where they went to School, leaving their Governments angry at having invested in their Education but not being able to retain Doctors in their own Country, where they are so desperately needed.

Doctors are just one additional Problem.  Hospitals have in place Elaborate Systems to extract the Maximum possible Revenue not only from Insurers but from the Government as well, when providing Medicare or Medicaid covered Services.  Both the Government and Insurance Companies fight back.  Some think, Hospitals know how to outsmart not only the Insurance Companies but, more importantly, the Government.

If you are an Individual who would pay out of your own Pocket for Medical Care without having any Insurance, forget it.  The so called „List Prices” for Facilities and Services could be (and generally are) several Times higher than what the contracted Prices which the Insurance Companies or the Government pays are.

One Example that has been used alegorically over and over is the Cost of an MRI, which is the modern Version of a simple X-Ray.  Sometimes, just an X-Ray might suffice but, not surprisingly, Hospitals almost exclusively do MRI's which can be/are far more profitable.  Just how profitable?  The List Price for an MRI can vary, are you ready for this, anywhere from $ 800,00 up to $ 17.000,00 at some Hospitals.  And that, according to a recent investigative Report, for the same exact Procedure.

Ever wondered what an MRI costs in Germany?  We can end your Suspense:  $ 160,00.  France:  $ 160,00.  Italy?  $ 140,00.  Japan, which has one of the highest Cost of Living Indexes in the World?  $ 60,00.  All, using the same Equipment.  Now, an MRI is no indication of how long you are going to live but it can be more than a Coincidence that People in Japan live the longest followed by those in Italy.

There have been well publicized Problems with the Federal Government's Health Insurance Marketplace Website; These were not to be unexpected and certainly will be resolved, probably sooner rather than later.  The Problem, however, lies deeper than that.

Most People are clearly dissatisfied with the Situation as it currently stands and is developing.

The Question, we believe, is just what Kind of a Path is necessary to go forward, whether Congress, the Health Insurance Industry, Hospitals, Doctors and Health Workers want to hear it or not.  Health Care in the United States consumes, if one includes the Cost of Litigation (such as Malpractice) associated with Health Care to more than 18% of the GNP, a staggering Amount.  Even without the Cost of Litigation, it is in Excess of 16%.  Some sort of National or quasi National Reform which would include Coverage ensuring reasonably unform Health Care for all Americans is not only necessary, but also overdue, way, way, way overdue.  Bismark figured this out way back in the 1890's.  Every other industrialized Nation and many others in the lower Tier have some System to deal with Health Care for its Population in some Form or another.  There are Similarities as well as Differences between the Systems that various Countries use.  That is not only understandable but to be expected.

And, as President Obama stated (and conceded, although others did not), one must start from building by drawing on the System that is already in Place.

Looking at the American Precedents already in Place, why not keep everybody's Insurance where it is (which is what was originally envisioned), take all the uninsured under the Threat of a Penalty (as the Legislation does now) and throw them into a Medicare/Medicaid/quasi Medicare/Medicaid Program and then, based upon Verification of Employment or Self Employment, charged them a Premium based on Income/Ability for Coverage.  Then take the Insurance Premium which would be actuarially appropriate for that Individual and throw it on an Insurance Company based on a statistical Pool.  Insurance Companies which throw Individuals out of their Plans hoping to cash in on the Bonanza, would be discouraged in doing that because all that would happen to those Cases is, the Government would turn around and throw the Policies back at them through this Assigned Risk Pool and charge the Premiums which should prevail; they would be the same or lower as what the Individuals would have had under their previous Plan, since the Insurance Companies would try to change the Insurance Plan only for those who they thought they could get more Money from.

Bottom Line, except for General Rate Revisions (which is not what one should be talking about right now), all Insurance Health Insurance Policies which are already in Place, should not be changed based on „Technicalities” (Change in Provisions, number of Insured Covered and so on).  This, however is not what is happening right now and, some say, 14-18 Million Americans could be either left without Health Coverage or be forced to pay significantly higher or exorbitant Rates or, worse, be thrown out of the Insurance Pool altogether.  This is the very opposite of what the Law is trying to accomplish.
Another Thing that would resolve the Mess (this, based on Systems used in other Countries); if you are unemployed (with insufficient Assets), then the Government picks up the Insurance Premium until you are re-employed; if you are married, then the whole Family is covered under the Premium, even if Wife (oops! Or Husband)/Children are unemployed/not working and if your Wife/Child/ren seek/obtain Employment, they do have to pay their Premium and so do you.  Translation:  everybody working pays a Premium and everybody not working has Insurance based on working Family Member(s) or the Government.  Retirees would continue to get Medicare as they currently do.  Medicare Part B is already based on Ability to pay, since the Cost incurred by the Government per Beneficiary is $ 400,00 or so.  Most pay $ 100,00 or so but, even if on Medicare and having Part B, if someone has or is making abover certain Thresholds, they have to pay more, up to the entire $ 400,00 or so.  Finally, for Retirees, the Concept that Medicare Part A is paid 100% by the Government for all, then Medicare Part B is paid partially by the Government for most and that, regardless, on Top of that, one needs still additional Insurance in Order to reach a Deductible Level which they can afford...well...that sounds, no it doesn't sound, it is a Can of Worms in which Doctors, Hospitals, Clinics and Insurance Companies only see Billions and Billions of Dollar Signs.
Finally, someone woke up and removed the Cap on the Medicare Tax.  That is a good Thing.  Currently, however the Medicare Tax Rate is 0,9%.  Why the Medicare Tax Rate (which is supposed to cover  Medicare Costs on a current Basis...those working today pay for the Health Care of Retirees) does not even come Close to covering what it costs the Government to provide Medical Care to Retirees defies Credulity.  Keep in Mind, this is just to draw a Parallel on Priorities, The Fed(eral Reserve Bank), (Mr. Bernanke), is spending $ 82 Billion a Month (a Figure not included in the Federal Deficit), simply for his Quantitative Easement Theory (he would call it a Policy), the only tangible Result of which has been to propel the Stock Market (Dow Jones) to over 15.000 Points.


Montag, 23. September 2013

Armed Guards...Everywhere?

Recently, we wanted to mention something when several People got shot somewhere...where was it?  It is easy to begin losing Track.  Then, 13 People, including the Killer, got shot and killed at the Washington D. C. Navy Yard.

The Situation in some distant Places is also dire.  60-70 People died over the Weekend at a Shooting in a Mall in Nairobi, Kenya and it is not over yet.

Schoolchildren got killed.  Innocent People got shot at in Public Parks or, in some Cases, worse yet, killed, in Chicago and elsewhere.  An Arizona Congresswoman got horribly injured and several innocent People around her got killed in a Shooting.  People got killed while matching (albeit a violent) Movie in Colorado.  Students shot Students in Schools.  Some got caught in Time but others didn't and they wound up killing their fellow Students.  We could go on and on but it is not necessary, we don't think.

In the Middle of all this this comes Wayne la Pierre; he is the Leader of the National Rifle Association; with a Suggestion:  place more Guards, more „Armed Personnel” as he put it under the Scenario, „Arm more good Guys to Keep the bad Guys at Bay (or simply shoot them, we surmise)”

Aside from what we think are the obvious Problems with that Line of Thinking, we see another Problem; we are wondering if Mr. la Pierre and others see the Problem too.  There used to be a Time when everything, well, almost everything, was easily accessible; Government Offices, Courts, Schools, Hospitals, Airports and more.  All this has changed now, of course.  What makes it particularly worrysome is not necessarily those who live and work in these armed Fortresses, but those who have been left outside.

Ordinary Citizens.  Be it in an Automobile, on the Street, in a Shopping Mall, even in a Home or an Apartment.  Clearly, there simply isn't enough Money, either in the United States or elsewhere to have Guards everywhere.  The logical Conclusion of such an Argument, ad Absurdum, would be to have almost as many Guards as People who Need to be guarded, Police and quasi Police everywhere.

All Firearms are by Definition deadly.  Having a Pistol for Self Defense or a Rifle for Hunting are Rights protected by the Constitution.

However, allowing the Citizenry to posess sophisticated automated or semi automated Weapons which have clearly been designed for Warfare, for Conflicts between States, in the Hands of everyone is simply bringing Warfare into our Cities, Communities, Places of Work, Places of Worship, Places of Entertainment, on Streets and Parks, everywhere.

And while Mr. la Pierre (and others) may think it is a swell Idea for a whole Bunch of „Good Guys” to posess such Kinds of Weapons, meanwhile, countless Individuals who are simply going about their ordinary every Day Business, who do not own such Weapons, who may not want to own them, who may not have the Money to own them, who may be too old or too young to own them, are simply unwitting Targets for an incredible Carnage which is taking place in Front of our very Eyes.

Mittwoch, 11. September 2013

Lady Ga Ga...move over! Ma Donna...move over! Miley Cyrus is here!!!

Now that the ridiculous Michael Jackson Estate Lawsuit to recover some illusory Proceeds from a Tour that never took place has been dismissed by a Trial Judge, we can concentrate on something more current...

Miley Cyrus

This is Miley Cyrus „sans” Birthday Suit, but dressed up for the Beach.  You can see Miley Cyrus's Birthday Suit in the Video Link posted below.  We hope Christian Dior, from his Grave, can forgive not only Miley Cyrus, Ma Donna and Lady Ga Ga but also us for inadvertently aiding in their Publicity.
Forget Ma Donna with her ridiculous Pronouncements and her Burlesque Style Boobie Tassels.

Ma Donna in one of her Strip Tease Outfits, now rendered „Passé” by Miley Cyrus's Creativity

Forget Lady Ga Ga's „Creative” Outfits one of which was made out of Meatloaf, or the one where she tried to outdo Ma Donna by substituting Kalaschnikows instead of Tassels on her Boobies; these, just as Examples (we bet the NRA loved that Photo!)

Lady Ga Ga wearing her Kalaschnikows.  The NRA should have loved this Photo.

Yes, Miley Cyrus (Miley who? for those of us who lead a sheltered Life) first managed to attract Attention to her with a Risqué Television Performance at an Award Show and then quickly moved on to a Video called „Wrecking Ball.”  Yes, the Video does indeed feature a Wrecking Ball, a plastic one, to be sure; it also features a Sledgehammer (likewise made out of Plastic) which Miley Cyrus lovingly licks and a Plastic Wall, too, of course, but the Masterpiece of it all is Miley Cyrus's Outfit...her Birthday Suit.  Total Genius and tossing Ma Donna and Lady Ga Ga into the Bin of „Has Beens,” Silent Movie Stuff, Ancient History, if you will.

You can watch the Video for yourself, here:

The Video features a Wrecking Ball (Plastic), a Sledge Hammer (Plastic), a Wall, of course, (Plastic, of course) and Miley Cyrus modeling a Couple of Outfits, notably her Birthday Suit.

But do not count on being one of the First...the Video has already gone „Viral” (we remember the Times when viral was an Adjective, not an Adverb and was used in Connection with Infections Diseases (Epidemics - a Word later revised to Pandemic) and has been seen by 25 Million People and counting.

The Real Question is, what is Rolling Stones Magazine going to do now, when looking for a Cover Shot?

Sonntag, 8. September 2013

Syria -- a difficult Choice

So, now, Syria has come to the Front Burner.  A Friend who wondered what would be the correct Choice on Syria also expressed the Inclination that to strike might be the preferred and logical Alternative.

It is a difficult Choice.  However, it does not appear that all of the necessary Variables of the Equation are available in order to make a correct Decision.  It might be appropriate to list just what the available Information is, at this Point in Time.  It also needs to be emphasized that the Information which is available, classified or not, is subject to re-Evaluation, literally, at a Moment's Notice as more Information becomes available.

Here is what we see so far:

The United Nations

It is clear that an International Intervention against Syria, limited or otherwise, is not possible within the Framework of the United Nations.  Russia and China are against a Security Council Resolution authorizing such Action and both have Veto Power.

This makes problematic any Action outside of the Scope of the United Nations, because such Action would be taken precisely because Approval cannot be obtained in the Security Council.  Simply put, one cannot easily make the Argument that the United States would go to the United Nations seeking Approval of such Action and, absent such Approval, it would act outside of the Scope of the United Nations or within another Framework or Coalition.

United States Domestic Policy Considerations

President Obama has set a courageous and correct Precedent by going to Congress to ask for Approval of a contemplated Military Strike.  We discussed the Implications of the Policy in an earlier Article.

Approval in Congress may be difficult but, it may prevail.  Straws in the Wind seem to indicate, however, that there might be some tough Sailing ahead.  Senator McCain, an outspoken Hawk in favor of Intervention, confronted some tough Questions at a Couple of „Town Meetings” which he has just held.  Polls seem to indicate that the Population as a whole is opposed to Intervention, limited as the President said it would be, by something around 48 to 28%.  There is a strange Coalition, composed of Liberal Democrats and Conservative Republicans which oppose Intervention of any Kind, leaving those who are in the „Mainstream” to carry the Weight and Responsibility for giving such Approval to the President.

The Situation in Syria

No one, including the Syrian Government disputes that they posess Chemical Weapons.

Less clear it is who used these Chemical Weapons in the latest Incident in which, according to credible Reports, approximately 1.400 People were killed, many of them, Children.  Truly a horrendous Act.  Some have suggested that the Rebels may have captured some of these Chemical Weapons and used them deliberately in order to entrap the Assad Government.

The United Nations Inspectors' Report will be available shortly and will become an important Factor if it corroborates the Intelligence Reports obtained by the United States establishing that the Assad Government used these Chemical Weapons against Civilians.

Even if the Rebels are aided as a Result of these contemplated Military Strikes, it is by no means a foregone Conclusion that Rebels associated with al-Qaeda or other Fundamentalist Movements would not inordinately benefit from them.  Interesting is the Position taken by a Veteran French Diplomat in an Open Letter to the French Parliament:

Non aux frappes symboliques et de bonne conscience. Oui aux frappes utiles en Syrie.

31 August 2013

No to Symbolic Strikes (and for Conscience's Sake).  Yes to useful Strikes in Syria.

(Le Monde)

(in French)

The Allies

Crucially important are the Allies who would be participating and/or supporting such Strikes.

So far, they are Canada, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and France.  After Canada, however, Things get murky when analyzing these Allies.  Saudi Arabia, which has Regional Political Considerations, that is one Thing.  Turkey which has been an arch-Enemy of Syria and would like nothing more than to have Syria destroyed, is another.  France; France has just announced that they will wait for the United Nations Report which seems to be an eminently sensible Thing to do.

Notably not joining in such a Coalition are Countries which normally can be counted upon:  Germany, Japan, Italy and, most importantly, the United Kingdom, where Prime Minister Cameron's Motion to join in such a Coalition was voted down by Parliament, putting his Government on a rather shaky Footing.

The Damage in Syria has been done.  There may be more Damage done if there are no Strikes.  However, the Likelihood appears to be that there will be more Damage done even if there are such Strikes and that Prudence and Patience are the best Choices as the Order of the Day.


Dienstag, 3. September 2013

The Problem caused by Wildfires and not so Wild Fires

Firefighters at Work in a Dangerous Environment

There is a Fire raging in and around the Yosemite Park in California, the oldest National Park, putting a Damper on Visitors as well as Vistas during Labor Day, the last Holiday of the Summer Season.

Before this, there was a Fire in Arizona where 19 Firefighters („Hotshots”, we were not familiar with this Term before) some say, needlessly died.  Before that, there was a Fire in Idaho.  Before that, one in Colorado.  Before that, one in Wyoming and several others in California.  The List goes on and on.

All this Firefighting costs Money and Lives, „Blood and Treasure” as President Obama so eloquently put it in another Context.

And, obviously, Fires must be fought, before they cause greater Danger and Damage, irrespective if they were true „Wildfires” caused by some Act of Nature or caused by a malicious or negligent Human Act.  Such Fires can put at Risk the Electric Grid or the Water Supply System, to cite to Examples from what is happening at the „Ring Fire” (Yosmite), right now.

Furthermore and this is just so we can see this in Perspective, if a Fire erupted in some major City or Metropolitan Area, be it New York, Los Angeles or Kansas City, just to name Examples, the Fire Department is responsible first, to save those Lives which are in Danger and then, to the extent possible, either the affected or the adjacent Property.

Carried further, this might seem to imply that there is a Responsibility which, in this Case, extends beyond Local, County and State Lines, to also save Property located in some of these Areas which are not only indescribably pictureques but also, very, very inaccessible.

Clearly, the Local, State and Federal Authorities have a Responsibility to defend and protect Infrastructure which happens to be located in an Area threatened by Fire.  However, when it comes to private Property, often built at the Expense of literally invading the Natural Habitat, for the Pleasure and Enjoyment of Few (and not for agricultural or industrial Purposes, such as Mining), a Reexamination of the Policy that Public Resources, Fire Equipment, Helicopters, DC 10 Jets, not to mention Human Lives, should be placed at such a Level of Risk and Cost, appears to merit re-examination.  The Cost of fighting These Fires, this, in Addition to the Cost in Human Lives, has been stratospheric.

When Lives are in Danger, a Rescue Effort should be made.  However, when it comes solely to saving Property, simply because it was built somewhere where it is so inaccessible,(sometimes only by Air, for Fire Fighting Purposes) a Re-Examination of Priorities could be in Order, so that those who choose, simply for their personal Pleasure and Enjoyment, to build lavish or even not so lavish Properties out in the Middle of Nowhere, know that they are doing so at their own Risk and at the Risk of their Fire Insurance Provider.

Sonntag, 1. September 2013

A Step in the Right Direction: President Obama requests a Congressional Resolution on Syria

Unexpectedly the News Wires carried the White House Announcement that President Obama has decided to seek Congressional Approval Prior to bombing Syria or engaging in any Type of Military Conflict with Syria.

This would appear to signal a signficant Departure from what has been the Norm for several Prior Administrations, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and, most recently and most disastruously, Bush Jr., who managed to get the United States not in one but two Wars concurrently, one of which is still being fought.

By a strict Interpretation of the Constitution, the Power to declare War rests with Congress. Article 1, Section 8,

„The Congress shall have declare War.”

This was something which was observed with fairly consistent Regularity until 1941, when Congress declared War on Japan (8 December 1941) followed by Declarations of War on Germany and Italy.  There was even a Time, including up to the Vietnam War Era and beyond, when, officially, such Events were not referred to as Wars but rather Conflicts; obviously, because no War had been declared by Congress and, how could you be involved in a War if there is no Declaration of War?  Duhhhhh!

Over the Course of History, going to War has never been an easy Thing to get into and, often, not an easy Thing to get out of either, the Latter, even more so.

Witness the still on going Conflict in Afghanistan, the Mess in Iraq which is still going on, or earlier, the Vietnam Saga.  Back to Vietnam in a Moment.  First an interesting Footnote.  Although nobody thinks of it in those Terms, from a purely technical Point of View, until today, there is no Peace Treaty which has ever been signed between the United States and Japan or, for that Matter, between the United States and Germany or Italy ending World War II.

Vietnam.  Vietnam was a Situation all its own.  The Involvement began with President Kennedy and deepened under President Johnson.  Faced with a broadening Conflict, President Johnson went to Congress and obtained a Resolution (much as President Obama appears to be seeking now), known as „The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution” (7 August 1964) and proceded to justify all further Actions during the Vietnam Conflict based upon that Resolution.  Only two Senators (Wayne Morse was one of them), voted against it.  There was considerable Debate afterwards over what the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution authorised and what it didn't but one Thing is indisputable; President Johnson had a Resolution.  Nobody after him bothered, even if it meant getting embroiled into Conflicts which were just as messy, or even messier, in Terms of what President Obama was later to refer to as „Blood and Treasure.”

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

The Situation in Syria is complex.  If one were to listen to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President Assad of Syria should forcefully be removed immediately, by the United States, of course, with Turkey in a „Supporting Role.”  But it may be easier to speak from Ankara, especially if one doesn't have to pay the Bills.

President Bashar al Assad of Syria is not an Angel.  Far from one.  The Mess in his Country is enormous.  So is the Mess in his neighboring Countries, Egypt, Iraq and, yes, Turkey as well, to name a Few.

Despite what the Evidence laid out before President Obama may indicate, the Situation is complex and laden with Perils.  Moreover, as suggested by German Philosopher and Journalist Peter Scholl-Latour, the Evidence may lead different People to reach different Conclusions and this, with the United Nations Inspectors' Report yet to be made (Peter Scholl-Latour characterises a possible Military Intervention in Syria as senseless and dangerous).

(in German)

But, back to President Obama.  Earlier, Critics noted that after „drawing a Line in the Sand” with Syria, he was not left with any good Choices.

As President Obama gets ready to head to Moscow, where the Chinese and others, not to mention President Putin, will also be, to take part in the 2013 G-20 Conference, the Decision to seek a Congressional Resolution on Syria effectively moves the Target Date from last Thursday (as it was urged on President Obama by some), to at least September 9, when Congress is scheduled to return to Washington after a „well deserved” Vacation.  Prime Minister David Cameron who was required to get a Resolution of Approval from the British House of Commons before committing to Military Action against Syria, surprised many, including, not the least of all, himself, by failing to get it.

Perhaps it would be nice for someone to send a Note to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan informing him that if he wishes to remove President Bashar al Assad all on his own, he is welcome to do it but, otherwise, he just needs to cool his Heels and wait until September 9 or maybe a Little later.

Dienstag, 13. August 2013

The Saga of Paula Deen

Normally, or even abnormally, this Column does not concern itself with Personages such as Paula Deen.  She is a Food Writer of some Sort, who had a TV Show or possibly several, as well as being involved in Talk Shows, Appearances, or what one might even call „Self Serving Publicity Events” all centered around the Promotion of a „Cuisine” which not only can be but which she herself described as „Comfort Food.”  She also apparently owns or runs a Restaurant which specializes in these Food Varieties.  Most would characterize such Foods as unhealthy.

It has also been reported that Paula Deen is a Diabetic who should, normally, avoid particulary some of the Kinds of Foods which she is promulgating.  But we are not dealing with a normal Situation here.

Recently, Paula Deen got embroiled into a mega Scandal involving Allegations of Racial Discrimination against her by an Employee or Employees who worked in her Restaurant.  This has led to the Cancellation of many if not most or nearly all of her lucrative Contracts and TV Shows.

However, just today, a Federal Court in Georgia threw out most of the Racial Discrimination Allegations against Paula Deen; nonetheless, the Damage has now been done and she is unlikely to recover from the Onslaught of negative Publicity which was avalanched against her.

What makes Paula Deen's Case interesting is the Condemnation she has had to endure in the Court of Public Opinion; a relentless Onslaught of negative Publicity which was avalanched against her.

This is Paula Deen Holding what appears to be a Piece of Fried Chicken
There is a Message in this sordid Affair, we think.  We should be mindful of and fiercely defend the Right to express our Opinions, under the Rubric of Free Speech.  Just because it is not politically correct to criticize someone or his/her/their Opinion(s), it does not follow that such Individuals should be given Immunity from Criticism.  Furthermore, it does not follow and it should not follow (as was not in the Case of Paula Deen, where the Rule was violated), that a Person should be condemned in the Court of Public Opinion just because of permissible Allegations under Free Speech to criticize that Person, regardless of whether the Criticism is warranted or not.  In the Court of Public Opinion, Criticism should be allowed (as was in the Case of Paula Deen), even if we do not agree with the Criticism.  At the same Time, we should not impose Consequences on the Person/Subject being criticized, simply because of such Criticism.  It is the Realm or Competence of an appropriate Forum, whether it be Judicial or other,  to ascertain and eventually decide, a).  if the Criticism is accurate and warranted and b). what Consequences should flow from it.

Television Commentator Anthony Bourdain (CNN) stated, for Example:

Speaking to an Orlando Sentinel reporter, Bourdain had a solemn response when asked for his reaction.

"It's gives me no pleasure at all," Bourdain told the paper. "It ain't pretty, either the charges or the reaction. I may have been an adversary or a critic of Miss Deen. It gives me no pleasure to see her torn apart by the people who were kissing her ass a week before."

The Classical Case of this Situation is the celebrated 19th Century Case of Alfred Dreyfus, in France, which came to be known as „The Dreyfus Affair.”  Dreyfus, a Soldier of minor Rank, was wrongfully convicted Treason by a Military Court and judged harshly in the Court of Public Opinion.  Dreyfus was also a Jew, causing considerable Ethnic Hatred to come out against him.  Forward came a famous French Writer at the Time, Émile Zola who published a Front Page Article entitled,

J'accuse!, (or I accuse!)

The Front Page of the Newspaper l'Aurore in which Émile Zola's famous Letter to the President of France titled „J'accuse,” or „I accuse!” appeared.

Zola's coming out with this, although he did not have to because he had an illustrious Career behind him which he put wholly at Risk, forced  the Court of Public Opinion and, consequently a (Military) Court of Law to Review and reverse the Conviction of Dreyfus.  Zola gambled everything and he won.  Because of this, his Fame transcended the 19th Century and he is still remembered, at least by some, until today.

Many others have not been so lucky.  Take Paula Deen who, in our Judgment, is a Person who should not even register on the Radar Scale but who has been dishonored and humiliated, perhaps wrongfully.  It is those Kinds of Situations which the Republic should make every Effort to avoid under the Constitution, while, at the sameTime, protecting the Criticism, however unjust, as it does not reach the Threshhold of yelling Fire in a crowded Theater or, in other Words, causing „Irreparable Damage.”

A tricky undertaking, indeed.  But, we think, an eminently worthwhile one.

Dienstag, 16. Juli 2013

Shifting from the Snowden Affair to the Real Debate

To briefly recapitulate the Events concerning the Snowden Affair:  After Days and Weeks of Salami Tactic News Developments, Edward Snowden left Hong Kong for Moscow on Sunday, 23 June 2013, his Final Destination still unclear.  Hong Kong jumped on a Technicality to rid itself of Snowden and thusly, together with and likely in Consultation with Mainland China (Hong Kong is under the ultimate Jurisdiction of The Mainland) passed on the hot Potato (or kicked the Can, one might say) into the Hands of Russia and President Putin.  President Putin and consequently Russia have been ambivalent on the Issue; they have refused to hand Snowden over to the United States, yet, at the same Time, they have not been particularly eager, if indeed, eager at all, to offer Asylum to Snowden.  Indeed, President Putin has come down, to a Degree, on the Side of the United States, stating that as a Condition for Snowden to be offered Asylum in Russia, Snowden would have to agree not to further „damage” the United States.  As recently as today, however, President Putin indicated that Snowden should ultimately leave Russia.  Russia's Motives are unclear and perhaps intentionally murky but it is difficult to imagine that it has not had at least partial Access to the Information which Snowden has; nobody knows what Kind of Information this is, perhaps not even The (Manchester) Guardian, which broke the Story and has been continuing to develop it but all Indications are that it is considerable.

Snowden had originally wanted to go to Iceland but he appears to have changed his Mind and now wants to go to South America.  He seems to have been influenced in this Decision by Julian Assange, of Wiki Leaks.  Julian Assange himself has received Asylum in Ecuador but cannot get there; he is confined to the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.  Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua (the Latter in Central America), seem to have offered him Asylum of one Sort or another but it is not easy for him to get there because any Commercial Flight might either have to fly through United States Air Space or be within reach of United States Jets which may force the Aircraft to land on United States Territory, thus effectively foiling Snowden's Escape.  There has been much made of the Fact that Snowden cannot fly because his U. S. Passport has been revoked; this Point is of questionable Validity because any Country which offers Asylum to Snowden can also issue a Laissez Passer (a simple Travel Document, literally meaning, let this Person pass).  People have and still do travel without a Passport (willingly and sometimes unwillingly) when extraordinary Conditions exist.

However, ultimately, we believe, the Fate of Mr. Snowden is not central to the Crux of this Issue.

So, moving on to the Second Aspect, it has been revealed that considerable Eavesdropping has taken place against Friends and Foe alike; Russia, Western European and South American Countries.  Many of these Countries are furious over the Revelations and demanding Explanations, which may be slow in coming.  This Issue, we believe, is not central to the Crux of the Issue, either.  Espionage has taken place since Time immemorial, both against Friend and Foe alike.  It is often a messy Business but everyone does it and everyone uses any and all Means at its Disposal to do it as best as possible.  Nearly all Countries, if indeed, not all Countries, conduct Espionage at some Level or another and, whoever is best at it comes up with the best Scoops.  Greeks did it, Persians did it, Romans did it, the French did it, moving along to more recent History, the Germans did it, the Allies did it and most certainly, the Chinese have done it all the Time and keep on doing it in the grandest of Styles.  So, while it may sound like a dirty Business and it is, everybody does it and, thusly, nobody should be surprised by it.  In the old Days, when caught, Spies were hanged or, as Things became more modern, shot; these Days, they are usually sent to Jail or traded for other Spies.  At Times, Spy Trade become a flourishing Business, actually (Take, for Example, the Case of former Russian Spy Anna Chapman-yes, she is Russian, who supposedly even offered to marry Snowden).

Former Russian Spy Anna Chapman who was „traded”

To the Question, what is the central Crux of this Issue, we believe, the Answer is simple:  based on Snowden's Revelations and other Information, one Needs to ask, what are the Powers and, indeed, the Boundaries of a Country (in this Case, the United States) to gather indiscriminate Information on most if not all of its Citizens.

It is also interesting to note the evolving Role not only of the NSA but also of at least one Private Corporation, Booz Allen Hamilton, which was (perhaps it still is) a noted Accounting Firm (in plain English, Bookkeepers, Beancounters), which has gotten into a Business which does not have much (if anything at all) to do with Accounting.  Sorta like Lawyers getting into Brain Surgery, one might say.

President Obama correctly pointed out that one has to strike a Balance between Security and Privacy; the Question is, if this vast amount of Information which is being collected from the American Public markedly increases the Security of ordinary Americans and if so, by how much.

Recent Experiences, those in Communist Countries and other Dictatorships indicate that ultimately, total (or nearly total) gathering of Information from the Populace can be a suffocating Experience.  According to the Explanations offered by James Clapper, the Information Gathering Activites of the NSA are not only legal but have been authorized by Congress.

Many disagree.  A Reading of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Act,

does not, we don't think, lead all of us to reach the same Conclusion which Mr. Clapper (and others), seem to have reached.  Many Congressmen were not familiar, if familiar at all, with everything that the NSA has been doing, even though Mr. Clapper assures us that every Member of Congress was debriefed on the Activites of the National Security Agency.

Of Concern are also the Activities of the FISA Court, the secret Federal Court to which the NSA goes for Approval, although, we assume that they did not even have to go to the FISA Court for the broad intercepting Activities which appear to involve a huge Amount (if not most) of all Telephone Conversations and eMails.

Constitutional Concerns have been raised on the Issue of the FISA Court (which most People did not even know existed, until recently), having non adversarial Proceedings and what Appeals, if any, can be made.

Of further Concern is the broad trawling of Data (which the Government calls Meta Data) which, as the Word Trawling suggest, is essentially nothing more than a Fishing Expedition.  The Concern has been expressed that if one can use the Constitution to justify that Type of Activity (the Process has not been subject to Constitutional Review), then a Lot of other Things could conceivably be justified which otherwise, one might have been reluctant to justify.

It should further be noted, in this Context, that, according to recent Polls, most American People oppose this Kind of Wholesale Data Gathering, Meta Data, Trawling, Fishing Expedition, whatever one ultimately calls it.

The Constitution of the United States is a wonderful Document; it was written more than 200 Years ago by some brilliant People who could not have possibly imagined what the Country they were founding will some Day look like.

Many have argued that the Constitution should be treated as a dynamic Document, which is to say, a Document which should be interpreted in accordance with the changing and evolving Conditions which prevail today.  That may be true; it may also be appropriate in many Instances; however, at the End of the Day, we are still left with that relatively simple Document; the Constitution of the United States and one should be careful, we believe, not to equate Dynamism with Evisceration.

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013

A Question regarding the Railway Acccident in Lac-Mégantic, Québec, Canada

The News reaches us regarding the horrific Train Accident which just happened in Lac-Mégantic, Québec, Canada, just North of the New York State Border.

Aerial View of the Lac-Mégantic Train Wreck

The Train, it is said, consisted of Five Locomotives and 72 Tank Cars filled with Petroleum Products.  The Train was headed from somewhere in North Dakota to Québec.  Incredible as it may sound, the Crew stopped the Train, apparently on an Incline, shut off 4 of the 5 Locomotives and left one Locomotive running, so as to power the Brake Systems (generally, Trains work on a Brake System known as Westinghouse Brakes, which are different than the Brake Systems on Automobiles or Trucks), then, leaving the Train unattended, the Crew headed to a nearby Motel to sleep.  There was also a Mention that the Crew had „tied” the Train before leaving.  We don't know what they meant by „tying” the Train; we would hope they did not mean tying the Train with a Rope to a Tree, so that it would not move.

Somehow, while the Train was unattended, the Braking System malfunctioned (so they say) and the Train started rolling with no one on Board.  The ensuing Result was catastrophic.  The Train rolled downhill through a curved Section of the Rail Track and eventually the Tank Cars began derailing and started exploding one by one.  The Accident happened at Night.

40 People are missing, presumably killed and probably vaporized from the intense Heat.

15 People are known to be dead, according to the latest Reports.

The entire Downtown of Lac-Mégantic has been destroyed.  There really isn't a Way to say, it could have been much worse, as some are saying regarding the Boeing 777 Landing Accident which happened in San Francisco.  But, at least, in the latter Case, Error or no Error, both the Pilot and the Copilot were in their Seats, executing a Landing.

According to Ed Burkhardt, Chairman of Montréal, Maine & Atlantic, the Railway which operated the Train, someone certainly had tampered with the Locomotive; this, according to a Telephone Interview he gave to the Montréal Gazette.

We don't know if Mr. Burkhardt is right and just exactly what caused the Train to start rolling with such horrific Consequences but we are wondering, who in his Right Mind would leave a Train with 5 Locomotives and 72 Tank Cars filled with flammable/explosive Cargo completely unattended in the Middle of Nowhere, or, in the Middle of Somewhere, for that Matter and then head for a Motel nearby to catch a „Nap.”

There is an Investigation which is already underway.  However, in addition to focusing on what caused the Accident (Mr. Burkhardt suggested that the Locomotive Engine had been turned off by someone, after the Train Crew left it unattended, thus causing the Braking System to fail), the Investigation, we believe, should also focus on the Decision of the Crew or the Policy of the Montréal, Maine & Atlantic Railroad, to leave a Train of this Type, or even a Train with only one Railcar, or even one Locomotive, let alone Five Locomotives coupled up to 72 Tank Cars containing flammable/explosive Material completely unattended, for the Purposes of taking a Nap, or for any Reason whatsoever at all.

(Note:  Trains have redundant Braking Systems but the Westinghouse Braking System on a Train in engineered such that when the Rail Cars lose the Power which controls the Braking System (which uses Compressed Air), then the Wheels brake automatically.  Thusly, a simple Explanation that when the Locomotive Engine stopped running, this caused the Train to start moving would not be adequate.)

Freitag, 7. Juni 2013

Why don't they tell us?

There has been a steady Stream of Bad News from Washington lately, having to do with Surveillance, Privacy and related Issues.

There was the Associated Press Reporters Story.

Then there were the IRS Stories, involving, of all People, some Tea Party Groups seeking Tax Exempt Status.

Overnight, last Night, the Story regarding the Gathering of Telephone Call Logs by the National Security Agency from Verizon broke out.  Quickly rumours spread that other Carriers, notably A T & T are involved also.

Now it further appears that an enormous Amount of Internet Traffic, eMails, Web Site Visits, we don't know exactly the Extent of it, is under Surveillance also.

There is Legal Precedent, for those of us who have studied Law for having serious Concerns regarding something called „Overreach.”  The Reason the Government has given for obtaining Secret Court Orders for such extraordinary Surveillance, unprecedented in American History is Terrorism.  And, Terrorism is a serious Issue, witness the recent Events in Boston, not to mention 9/11 and everything else that has happened in between.  Nonetheless, many are beginning to look at whether the War against Terrorism can be achieved without resorting to Secrecy when undertaking such extraordinary Measures which many also view, correctly, as Invasions of Privacy; something which the American Constitution and American Tradition have fiercely guarded for over Two Centuries and something which has become a Model, an Ideal, a Beacon for the Rest of the World.  In other Words, the War against Terrorism can be used to justify many Government Actions but not all of them in this Context.

To be sure, the Roots of these Kinds of Actions go back to the (George W.) Bush Administration.  But President's Obama's Administration has to shoulder the Responsibility and, right now, it appears more and more likely that Attorney General Eric Holder will be asked to fall on his own Sword.  But that may only be a Stop Gap Measure unless President Obama confronts the Issue and also establishes a Model, a Policy for successive Administrations to follow.

The simple Question is this:  why don't they tell us beforehand?

Senator Lindsey Graham (R., North Carolina) stated today that he is himself a Verizon Customer and if the Government was keeping track on his Calls to Waziristan, we think he said Waziristan, he would not have a Problem with it.  Neither would we or anyone else, we don't think, but would it not be appropriate to tell Senator Graham and everyone else that the National Security Agency would be doing this?  Then everybody knows and understands that Telephone Calls, Internet Traffic, whatever, is being subjected to some Sort of Surveillance and that can be the End of that, rather than the Facts coming out Slice by Slice in what one might refer to as a „Salami Tactic.”

Likewise, it may all be well and good that Senator Dianne Feinstein (D., California) states that all this was cleared and approved in Advance Years ago but, the Issue seems to be of sufficient Magnitude to where one has the Right to ask, why were the American People not informed this was going on?  It is difficult, we believe, to formulate an Argument that Secrecy adds Value to the Program; Carrier Pigeons and other antiquated Methods are not alternatives which Terrorists and Enemies of the United States could use with much Success.