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Mittwoch, 30. März 2011

Ask and Tell

Germany’s Junior Coalition Partner (Conservative, at that), is headed by Guido Westerwelle, a Homosexual (‘Gay’ in current 'Modern' or 'Politically Correct' Parlance) who has also recently gotten ‘married.’  Mr. Westerwelle is also, by German Political Tradition, Germany's Foreign Minister.  Although a Number of salacious Rumours and Episodes have surfaced from Time to Time about Mr. Westerwelle, he has managed to fend off most of them and has survived.

Westerwelles Zukunft Die Partei hat das Sagen
Redakteur Jens Kiffmeier, Berlin
Artikel vom 29.03.2011
Nach dem Wahldesaster richten die Medien über die politische Zukunft des FDP-Vorsitzenden – und degradieren die Parteimitglieder zum belanglosen Stimmvieh. Das ist nicht gut. Denn warum sollte man sich dann noch engagieren?
Well, the Junior Coalition Partner (FDP), which is an illustrious and highly intellectual Political Party with a long Tradition has gone down the Toilet in recent German local and regional Elections and, in the most recent ones, deeper down the Toilet than previously.  Mr. Westerwelle's Leadership of the FDP has been questioned before with a fairly high level of Intensity but this Time, the Criticism is relentless and furious; after all, the very survival of the Party is at stake.  Whether Mr. Westerwelle has to go, is no longer an 'if' Question but has become a 'when' Question.  Whether the Damage which the FDP has suffered, Mr. Westerwelle or not, is fatal is another Question which only the Future can and will answer.  Worse yet, this Morass might possibly draw the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel (i. e., Prime Minister, equivalent to U. S. President: Germany like a Number of other Countries has a ‘Ceremonial’ President), a highly respected Figure internationally, down the Toilet along with it.

It is, therefore, a legitimate Question, it would appear, to ask if some People in the Democratic Party of the United States are not paving the Way for the Republicans and the Tea Party Goers, with what some may describe as the Appeasement of Homosexuals that is going on, on Issues such as 'Repeal of Don't Ask, don't Tell,' or the furious Debate on the Issue of 'Homosexual Marriages' whatever that is supposed to mean.

Regrettably, it would seem, little is being written in the Press in the United States about what is going on in Germany with Mr. Westerwelle and the FDP.  It should be noted, there is a Constitutional Doctrine on 'Chilling Effect' which advances the Theory that sometimes Speech or Advocacy becomes supressed.  People are simply too scared to write about Things like this.

Equally regrettable, it would seem, is the Lack of Debate on some Issues, such as, for Example, the Theory that the State recognises Marriage and accords certain Benefits to Married Individuals, because, in Theory at least, Married Individuals have the Potential to provide a Benefit to the State.  'Married Individuals' of the same Sex are, by Biological Imperative, incapable of overcoming that Obstacle.

More important, perhaps, could be the Fact that the Progressive and forward thinking Objectives, Goals and Aspirations of the Democratic Party of the United States are being endangered and imperiled not just with the Preoccupation with this Issue, but also by the Fear of those who would want to look at the Issue from a critical Perspective, that they would be ostracised or castigated.

Freitag, 25. März 2011

Dancing Elephants - Continued - The New York Times

Jeffrey R. Immelt? Ain't this the Fellow at GE with the Dancing Elephants who was chosen by The President to head the Council of Economic Advisers?

Now, Boys, shouldn't he also be given a Hefty Raise or be paid a Huge Bonus by GE? And, given the Expertise of John Samuels, who formerly worked for The Treasury and now works for GE, it should not be too difficult, if at all, to claim either Payment as an Expense Deduction for GE. No Social Security Withholding Taxes need to be paid to The Treasury for this, either, since the additional Compensation would be over the Threshhold. What the Heck! Give'm both the Raise and the Bonus! There would be no Adverse Impact on GE's Earnings if you do this, Boys; the Money will come from the U. S. Treasury! Oh, lest we forget; no Social Security Withholding Taxes to be taken from Mr. Immelt's Compensation for his 'Services' to the Government as an 'Economic Adviser.'

The earlier Reference to 'Dancing Elephants' in this Forum appears to be corroborated by the Article which appeared on 24 March 2011, in The New York Times (Link below). The New York Times also makes Reference to GE's Slogan in the 'Dancing Elephants' Ad: 'Imagination at Work!' NO KIDDING!!!